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BigWillis93 t1_ixo5bba wrote

No he's got the best treatment in the world. He's paying for extended life for sure


tiarawhy t1_ixokh34 wrote

I'm kinda curious. What can infinite money like that offer in terms of cancer treatment that you normally couldn't get otherwise?


BigWillis93 t1_ixol7h3 wrote

The easy argument is we don't know because we're poor. Relatively. I'm not a doctor I just assume a corrupt world leader won't be worrying about hopsital bills while hiding one of his many yachts.

Just speculation


tiarawhy t1_ixolj0i wrote

I mean, maybe? It didn't help Steve Jobs and he had basically infinite money too.


fannypackbuttsnack t1_ixoocv3 wrote

Steve Jobs chose homeopathic "treatment" over modern medicine though; they caught his cancer early enough that he had a very high chance of survival if he went the medical route. He chose against science, so he's not the best example in this case.

Paul Allen might be more fitting, since he had Lymphoma and despite his billionaire status and top-tier medical treatment still succumbed to his illness.


BigWillis93 t1_ixolv5v wrote

I'm not saying that he'll be cheating death. When it's his time it's his time regardless of money. I'm just saying the treatments he's recieveing is probably stuff that insurance companies don't even bother to pick up the phone for you know?

I can't explain without getting into full conspiracy theories about why I think this, I have no studies on hand to back this but I have no doubt rich people get better treatment. Add on that a world leader of, arguably, the second most powerful nation (at last time of counting. Next year will probably knock em down a few pegs)


UniquesNotUseful t1_ixon7bp wrote

Think of it as the difference between being taught in a class of 30 and having private tuition.

Immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted (attacking a molecule on a cancer to restrict growth), combinations of cancer growth blockers. Daily checkups. Bespoke diet. Medical advice and pills on request to stop side effects.


Mrischief t1_ixpim5q wrote

Lets not forget genetics testing of the cancer, targetting of macromolecules, receptors of the pathways, ideal time line targeting, monitoring as close as possible to real time, symptomatic controll, not sure about how well it is when it comes to stem cell replacement and retargeting of WBC, but i dont know enough to know what i dont know.


TrainingObligation t1_ixoxq4k wrote

In one sense it doesn't really matter if the treatments aren't that much more effective. Endless money didn't help Steve Jobs survive his second fight with pancreatic cancer.


EastendDan t1_ixo5lmz wrote

sounds accurate!! anyway, hopefully soon, when he does go , it will be the most recent celebrated death ...