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GlibComplexity t1_j1uahuc wrote

Imagine being so pathetic you get your kicks blowing up innocent people just because of your political beliefs. How about you start acting like a fucking adult and deal with your issues in a non-violent way.


ThiagoBaisch t1_j1wky6b wrote

the idea it seems was to bomb an unocuppied government building, but you are right, its fucking ridiculous at this point. There are people camping at front of army bases for more than 2 months now and the army already said they don't wanna nothing with it lol


Batata_ackermann t1_j1zjk4n wrote

They keep coming up with new delusions so they don't have to accept the facts, it's ridiculous.

Now they're saying a revolution will take place on new year's eve, after the great revolution nonsense inevitably fails to materialize they'll just come up with more bullshite like "oh, it's actually going to happen on 30th of February".

This is starting to look sad, everyone who's relatively stable has moved on, I suspect the people who are still on this would benefit from some sort of mental health program, being away from your family on Christmas to camp in front of a military installation is sad, I know someone whose grandma is doing this and the family is suffering because of it, even the ones who were Bolsonarists are trying to make her see reason.


StarryEyedBeardog t1_j1wwugm wrote

Depends, there have been more than one plots/group of explosive material found as of today, one of them was targeting a fuel truck at the brasilia international airport


ThiagoBaisch t1_j1wx6k2 wrote

bolsonaro supporters have literally gone nutjob, here is them praying to a fucking tank:

This is already b10 levels beyond crazy


iStayedAtaHolidayInn t1_j1x3zao wrote

Something about being a born again evangelical Christian that breaks people’s brains


marcosdumay t1_j1xiq24 wrote

What, no video of them praying for a tire?

Back in the day people had to make calves out of gold to get people's attention.


marcosdumay t1_j1xih1j wrote

Not exactly "targeted", it would blow outside the airport, in an area full of cars dealerships (that take a lot of space, but don't have a lot of people, and outside of them).

But then, nobody has no idea what crazy people will think next.