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Is_that_even_a_thing t1_j1mcfg2 wrote

The difference was huge, I agree. My point was, after 20 years of assistance and training for local forces, they weren't self sustaining. It was always going to need 'occupation' of a western force to maintain. Political willpower was not going to last forever, and there is a tide of resistance against the west for interfering in other countries policy - good and bad (mostly bad) that it reaches the point where they have to react to that.

In this case it was to pull out.

That is the unfortunate part. We can see all the great work unravelling before I eyes- it's a tragedy. I feel for the people of Afghanistan and all over the world that cannot live their best lives because of oppression.


Sendstorepatter OP t1_j1mdaxb wrote

Doesn't matter. It wasn't draining very many ressources from the US or its allies to maintain and let it grow.

Instead Trump decided to pull the plug without consultation without a plan and without considering how the Taliban would take over again. As we see it now.

I think he mainly did it in order to win the election. He knew a another candidate could not say the decision should be reversed.

Now several thousand US and allied troops died for not much to show for it because the American people suddenly thought they cared about an issue they hadn't for years.

Now their girls and women are bared from education and from jobs. They are again breeding machines with no future. Covered from head to toe. And Afghanistan goes into a period of dictatorship like we see in Iran.