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Due-Reading6335 t1_j2383x9 wrote

Im humbly and respectfully requesting an ELI5 on what's going on in Kosovo. Please


IndeterminateYogurt t1_j2395g6 wrote

Not an expert: The balkans is an ethnic mess, where everyone hates everyone, that was kept together under Tito for decades. Tito dies in the 80's, the Serbs (biggest player in Yugoslavia) start treating the other ethnicities like shit, these break free (Bosnia, Croatia etc.). Kosovo (mostly albanians, at least in the west) breaks off Serbia officially in 2007, but Serbia ofc does not recognize this.

In the northeastern part of the territory held by Kosovo, there are many people that are ethnically serbs and are not in favor of the government. Over some number plate dispute, they started blocking roads with the rest of Kosovo. Serbia starts their propaganda machine, tensions run high. War still unlikely because of UN forces in the area and because Serbia wants to join the EU at some point.


Stelaris91 t1_j23beds wrote

From a Serbian perspective : shit got fucked up in the '90s,now every single ex-Yu politician is milking that. Every elections you have "crisis" of "unprecedented" risk. Nothing is going to happen, nothing is ever going to happen and/or change. Plus, this is a distraction from real problems. Bread and games. If you want in depth analysis, feel free to dm me.