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Lukensz t1_j2dchu7 wrote

They're protecting other countries from having to take part in the war and ultimately having military and civilian people dying. That's not to say NATO wouldn't win, but we don't want to have that fight happen in the first place.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2dqine wrote

Take it easy man. Ukraine was a troubled country before the war. Just like Poland was 30 years ago. I don't think Ukraine is protecting Europe or rest of the world. Europe would do just fine fighting against Putin's army. The only reason why Ukraine is still in the game is the West. Just to make it clear, I hate this situation and hope it will be over soon will Ukraine regaining all their lands and Putin alongside his comrades in prison. Just don't make Ukraine look like they are heroes and defenders of the world... Because they aren't. They are defenders and heroes of their country. That's it. Everyone is supporting that. Take for example Poland and their health services which are now supporting 4,000,000 Ukrainian women and children? Are they not hero's to Ukraine? That is 10% increase in population in few weeks.


Lukensz t1_j2dwe35 wrote

...I never said they're the heroes of the west? I'm Polish myself, I know what the opinions and views of these issues are. Regardless of intentions, Europe would rather have Russia and Ukraine duke it out on Ukraine's soil while supporting Ukraine financially and arms wise, because that is preferable to the war coming to our own side of the fence. In that sense, Ukraine is defending Europe, and that's why Europe is supporting Ukraine. Obviously they're not doing it to defend us, but for their own survival, but it all works out in everyone's interest.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2e4zbf wrote

I think I get what you are saying but I still find it difficult to say that Ukraine is protecting other countries in any sense. I'm not sure what would happen if Russia invaded Poland. NATO would step in but I'm not so sure Ukraine would and I wouldn't ever hold that against them because consequences for them would be most likely tragic.


Lukensz t1_j2esrwr wrote

They're protecting Europe just by being a buffor state between EU/NATO and Russia. Like I said, they're not doing it out of kindness, they're trying to save their own country and lives - Europe is profiting in this equation simply on Ukraine being where it is. Countries will chip in donations, be it arms or humanitarian aid, because no matter how much they give it's better than being in a war against Russia ourselves.


Lukensz t1_j2dwkyl wrote

Also Poland doesn't have 4 million Ukrainians in its borders now, it's below that. Over a million was Ukrainians already living in the country prior to the Russian invasion.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2e5bxq wrote

3.2 mil have registered accordingly the Google. 9 mil crossed over... However you look at it, there was a strain on NSZ.


Lukensz t1_j2es8bq wrote

Many refugees who entered Poland moved on to another country where their families are, or returned back to Ukraine already.


CaptainObvious_1 t1_j2dxluh wrote

> The only reason why Ukraine is still in the game is the West.

Bullshit. Is NATO support helping tremendously? Yes. Do we know what the situation would be if there wasn’t any support? No, absolutely not. They held their own in the first few days of the war with basically nothing from us. Kyiv wasn’t going to be taken anytime soon.


IllHospital6475 t1_j2e3y70 wrote

Yes sure... Because it wasn't NATO who gave them all the intel needed to defend themselves. I'm not saying that Ukrainians did nothing to defend themselves because it is obvious that they have paid ultimate price in tens of thousands. However, as sad as it might be it is the science and money that wins wars. Better tech and more of it is what will win this war and hopefully it will end with some people in the prison for life... Preferably in Ukrainian prison.


CaptainObvious_1 t1_j2e6z23 wrote

But you don’t know that, and you’re speaking entirely out of your ass
