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warfoo09 t1_j1cp9b0 wrote

Why is this getting upvoted? It's just a routine Soyuz launch which they have done multiple times since the war.


Kobrag90 t1_j1cwwrx wrote

A massive coolant leak is routine? Man Russia is an embarrassment.


warfoo09 t1_j1cxvwc wrote

They had oxygen leaks on ISS even before the war, it happens.


Beautiful_Fee1655 t1_j1g0mpj wrote

The hole leaking O2 originated from the inside. Things like that don't just "happen".


flash-tractor t1_j1dyi2w wrote

The hole that caused the leak is a half millimeter wide. The ISS travels at 17,500miles per hour or 28,000 kilometers per hour. At that speed, even hitting a stationary piece of dust is devastating.