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ZrvaDetector t1_j1mjgz6 wrote

The US doesn't control the airspace in Northern Syria and Turkey isn't asking permission to use the airspace. In fact, American aircrafts flying in Syria mostly take off from Turkey, İncirlik and thus need Turkish permission to operate.

>The difference is when Russia and the US do it they are basically saying we are here dont fuck with us and we wont fuck with you

It's literally the same situation. Turkey and Russia directly clashed in Syria several times though they mostly just target each other's proxies.

>Turkey is also in the middle of delaying Finland and Sweden from joining NATO for BS political reasons.

Both had arms embargoes against Turkey and have only now started to ease them. Why the hell would Turkey welcome countries that sanction into an alliance where Turkish troops would be forced to fight for them in case of a Russian attack when they don't treat Turkey like an ally at all?