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Shanghaipete t1_j28u7ip wrote

Ignorant nonsense. As state counselor, she presided over the Rohingya ethnic cleansing from 2015 until she was ousted in 2021. She literally defended the Burmese military in the International Court of Justice in 2019. She went out of her way to cover up human rights abuses. Tons of human rights NGOs and institutions have rescinded their earlier praise for her.

She's a sanctimonious, nepotistic figurehead. I understand why people want to believe in her, and her activism before her Peace Prize was admirable. But she's been utterly corrupted by political game-playing. Burma can do better.


thekingminn t1_j2cjiku wrote

You are clearly out of your depth here. You know nothing of Myanmar's politics and history.


Shanghaipete t1_j2d7j73 wrote

Hey, I don't spend my days posting anti-junta war porn, as you do. But what did I say that is inaccurate? Did she oppose the anti-Muslim violence? Or did she deny that Muslims are even Burmese citizens? Have many human rights orgs turned against her? Why?

I get it, you want Reddit to rally behind your figurehead "freedom fighter." But she's a bigoted, self-righteous ally of genocide. Like Kissinger and Obama, another undeserving Peace Prize laureate.


thekingminn t1_j2daqxg wrote

Your whole argument no matter how many sentences long fell apart as soon as you said "As state counselor, she presided over the Rohingya ethnic cleansing from 2015" because if you know anything about Myanmar you would know the civilian government has no power at all over the military. Since you did not even know this most basic of the basic facts about Myanmar means every point you make is irrelevant. Here is a video that explains very well how politics works in Myanmar.

Also on your other points. She did infect condemn the anti-muslim violence in Myanmar. And she did not once deny Muslims as Burmese citizens. You seem to have mixed up Rohingyas with Muslims. I am no ASSK worshipper but what you have said is just wrong.