crystal64 t1_j28l9bv wrote
they boost military cooperation ill do my utmost never to buy anything chinese made again
ill pay double for my electronics, dont need new stuff every year
Ok_Motor500 t1_j28m36g wrote
Refuse to buy iPhone?
Hereiam_AKL t1_j28m6jk wrote
Just make sure you sit on the other end of a very long table with a plexi glass barrier in between because he is bringing the Covid with him.
[deleted] t1_j28n9su wrote
[deleted] t1_j28nm6g wrote
[deleted] t1_j28no82 wrote
[deleted] t1_j28os2z wrote
green_flash t1_j28pofv wrote
China doesn't enter military alliances. They cooperate only if there is a concrete benefit for them.
sacredfool t1_j28ppub wrote
China will make some empty promises and continue as usual.
[deleted] t1_j28ppvx wrote
[deleted] t1_j28q1fw wrote
Hunterrose242 t1_j28qxmr wrote
Heh, I bet he does.
alphagusta t1_j28u9n4 wrote
The only effect that this war has is the closing of one of China's widest doorways into the European Market
Thats a big no no
TAKES-MASSIVE-SHITS t1_j28webc wrote
Which phone manufacturer do you buy that isn’t evil?
turbo4538 t1_j28wrwc wrote
I hope the state visit happens so more people realize what a threat China is. But I doubt Xi is that stupid.
green_flash t1_j28xz6i wrote
Why would that make him stupid?
turbo4538 t1_j28z1p0 wrote
It's probably not a good idea to be associated with a murderous despot who is losing a war.
green_flash t1_j28zycb wrote
Xi is already responsible for a currently ongoing genocide. How much worse could his reputation get by meeting Putin?
turbo4538 t1_j290xkk wrote
I would say his reputation can get a lot worse. He's not a pariah on the world stage yet like Putin.
rimalp t1_j2912td wrote
Good luck with that.
You won't find any electronics that are not made in China.
jomiran t1_j291ngt wrote
I believe Motorola makes their chips in Austin, Texas but please don't take my word for it. Verify.
Also, I believe that Google Pixel phones with Tensor chips are also made in the US. I'm going to look into this one myself later today.
EDIT: It looks like Google's Tensor chips are manufactured by Samsung, probably also in Austin, Texas.
green_flash t1_j291wk0 wrote
Sure it could, but just by meeting Putin? Others have done that this year without much controversy, for example Kazakhstan's President and Armenia's PM.
turbo4538 t1_j292xgq wrote
A state visit is different from meeting someone at a summit though, Putin would try to maximize the propaganda win. I can't see much of an upside for Xi.
TheKappaOverlord t1_j293kld wrote
With their economy circling the toilet, and a looming covid catastrophe thats already here it wouldn't surprise me if China publicly says "piss off" but we discover Chinese weapons in the hands of russian soldiers not but 2 weeks after the visit.
Like with China building an entire naval armada in months during the beginning of the housing bubble bursting as a way to lessen the effects of looming economic problems by having x industry fire off on all cylinders.
They won't enter an alliance like say "we will physically aid you if things get serious" they might enter an alliance such as "we won't wink wink help you during this war, but we will shake hands and continue to supply you with things for future wars"
woolcoat t1_j2940d6 wrote
All this means is that Russia will sell whatever is left of its tech advantage in jet engines and missile tech to China. I don’t see any scenario in which China will provide weapons to Russia for their war with Ukraine.
tehcraz t1_j296wj6 wrote
Russia is needing hardware. China will gouge them on pricing but will actually sell sone. That's the relationship.
[deleted] t1_j2987g0 wrote
derpaherpa t1_j299u2t wrote
Hey, there's also Taiwan! For now, at least.
Busy-Comfortable-352 t1_j29an7k wrote
Along with every other nation. Nations don’t have friends, only shared interests
Least-Wonder-7049 t1_j29aphi wrote
Xi visiting his viceroy in his newly gained colony. All your federation belong to China now.
AlleonoriCat t1_j29g9nk wrote
China's and what military? I don't see any military to cooperate with.
Slippery_Squirrel t1_j29gzl5 wrote
Daring today aren't we
Denworath t1_j29i2qb wrote
I think if Xina wanted to sell russia weapons they would have already. They arent doing too well economically right now and its super risky for them to aid Russia in any meaningful way. Basically its not worth it to mess with the status quo.
plantsadnshit t1_j29jwtc wrote
doesn't do anything at all whatsoever
joncash t1_j29n70x wrote
Actually, if I was to bet money, China is going to sell and set up a semiconductor line. They've recently started mass producing 28nm entirely domestic chips. So at that level it's completely unsanctionable. This would be an incredible technology showcase for China. That now no matter who you sanction they'll only be 10 years behind or so in tech. Remember, the meeting is only happening because China wants something. Turning Russia into a chip manufacturer for all the sanctioned countries is huge and using only already sanctioned companies to do it is even bigger. It's an announcement to USA that if you sanction and disconnect our countries you'll make your enemies stronger. But they leave an olive branch that the companies that still have US machines won't join the production in Russia.
yokaitheghost t1_j29n9q2 wrote
The Librem 5 USA smartphone is an entirely made-in-USA device. The price reflects it, but there are options out there.
Edit: Odd that votes support the reply so hard. The only way to lower the cost of domestically produced goods is to support them at the initial higher cost.
tengo_harambe t1_j29or08 wrote
$2K phone with 32gb of storage and a screen resolution that barely qualifies as HD.
I hope every "BOYCOTT CHYNA" redditor puts their money where their mouth is and buys and uses this thing.
_SpaceTimeContinuum t1_j29qj37 wrote
Boycott China.
dripdripdrop2021 t1_j29qj77 wrote
Lol bruh chill
passtheGUAK t1_j29rkni wrote
Yeah gl not investing in businesses that use Chinese products Or ordering your shit from companies that use Chinese parts Hell I bet your taxes go to shit that might use Chinese products and materials Your bank will loan your money to companies that use Chinese products Gl boycotting china bro
ErikTheAngry t1_j29rsq2 wrote
Russia looking for a sugardaddy to feed it weapons.
Not a good look, even if we already knew Putin was a little bitch.
DJTRENDSETTA t1_j29tr4t wrote
Lmfao Dumb and Dumber 😆
Eldorian91 t1_j29yi5a wrote
South Korea, as well..
ViridChimeric t1_j2a0eug wrote
Yep, just buy Samsung
Chiliconkarma t1_j2a2dds wrote
The sport will be finding the least amount of China then.
AirbreathingDragon t1_j2a76ww wrote
Association invites comparison, and Xi knows that the more he keeps being compared with Putin the likelier his countrymen are to get ideas if Putin were overthrown.
I wouldn't be surprised if Xi decides to call off the meeting and start distancing himself from Putin as we near the 1 year anniversary of the war.
[deleted] t1_j2aab33 wrote
MayOrMayNotBePie t1_j2ab8fw wrote
Why would China want to join a losing team lol?
justforthearticles20 t1_j2ae4i1 wrote
The weaker Putin makes Russia, the more likely that Xi starts retaking former Chinese territory in Russia's East.
circlefullofcurses t1_j2aidu8 wrote
Repression, not genocide. If there was a real genocide, millions would flee China, and they wouldn't allow travellers to speak and film people in Xinjiang, let alone make videos on TikTok and other social media.
matattack94 t1_j2ajf2n wrote
How the meeting will go
Putin: pls help
Xi: get on your knees…
thunderclone1 t1_j2alj0o wrote
Oh bother. The hundred acre wood must be too small. Pooh needs more.
Kopextacy t1_j2am417 wrote
Yea, and Putin seems like far too much a liability to China with all the poor decisions made under his “leadership”.
locustt t1_j2aqpqm wrote
"We have always been at war with Eurasia"
Brent_17000 t1_j2awmz9 wrote
That'll never happen. China has already banned the export of their military-grade chips to Russia.
Brent_17000 t1_j2awu76 wrote
They're not looking to join a team. They're looking for cheap assets being sold by a desperate man.
westdl t1_j2ayr4w wrote
Xi has other plans. He will not commit his troops and ammo to Putin’s failure. He will buy cheap oil and sell sanctioned tech.
HeywoodJaBlessMe t1_j2azi7u wrote
I have zero need for HD resolution on my phone or 32 GB of storage. The cloud is a thing.
I didn’t know this device existed but now I am considering one.
HeywoodJaBlessMe t1_j2azu6l wrote
Imagine thinking that being permanently 10 years behind in tech rather than right on the forefront meant your nation was now stronger.
Even in this absurd scenario why would China want the chips manufactured in Russia rather than domestically?
squishopotamus t1_j2b16v7 wrote
He's going to reduce media communication due to covid concerns but he's going to meet with the leader of a country experiencing a covid crisis......?
turbo4538 t1_j2b4079 wrote
Some observers call it cultural genocide. It's real, it's just done with modern methods and it involves a lot less killing than a "normal" genocide.
circlefullofcurses t1_j2b5i10 wrote
Cultural genocide like in Hawaii? The people don't even learn their own language at school unlike in China.
joncash t1_j2b6qn1 wrote
Everything to everyone makes it a simple commodity. That's what China wants. No one to be able to ever control the production of chips again.
Well the production at least. They want a monopoly on the machines that do the production. They see how ASML became a king maker. They also see Intel, Qualcomm, etc... Still have tough competition. Don't fight to control what can be made by the many, fight to control the machines to make them.
To quote, the only people who made money during the gold rush are the shovel makers.
This is why China is banning its CPU to Russia and trying to buy semiconductor firms in Germany and England. They want everyone to be using their machines.
[deleted] t1_j2b7mpc wrote
AcousticNike t1_j2b7nzw wrote
Me too. Fuck them. We will fight with sticks and stones.
joncash t1_j2b9gew wrote
jeremy9931 t1_j2b9ja9 wrote
As is life lol
HeywoodJaBlessMe t1_j2bazh2 wrote
The number of advanced weapons systems with displays “that barely qualify as HD” and have less than 32 GB of storage is pretty huge.
Junlian t1_j2bbcls wrote
Until you realize Samsung uses components that are manufactured in China.
[deleted] t1_j2bcnrc wrote
KaydeeKaine t1_j2bfvmp wrote
Yep there's just no escaping it until countries are willing to produce it themselves. Relocating manufacturing to India or Thailand is just kicking the can down the road. It's time to start bringing production back to our own countries. It costs more but at least the money stays within the country.
naenouk t1_j2bfzl4 wrote
Sounds like he want to touch his penis.
KaydeeKaine t1_j2bg0zh wrote
Ren & Stimpy
HeywoodJaBlessMe t1_j2bir7y wrote
This comment directly contradicts itself.
So they want “everything to everyone” with “no one to be able to control the production” of semiconductors but they also “want a monopoly on the machines that do the production”
China has literally no means to control ASML. You don’t seem to know what you are talking about
joncash t1_j2bp5qd wrote
China wants to be ASML. I think that's what you are missing. They don't want to bother with the final product like CPUs etc... Flood the market with enough production tools for cheap enough and that stuff will sell for pennies. They don't want to control ASML. They're making the tools right now. It's likely 2-3 years away, but their goal now is while they're behind get everyone on everything they make. Then catch up and become the sole source.
Imintroublemen t1_j2bq7ix wrote
This will define what will happen. If China starts helping, WW3 is very close.
I doubt they will tho, they are winning big time with Russia going down.
AnastasiaMoon t1_j2bv9h2 wrote
I genuinely do not think this is possible. You would slip up on accident eventually .
TomTorquemada t1_j2bwgeb wrote
Why would China sell weapons to Russia?
China: "Send the rest of your soldiers and weapons to the front with Ukraine."
Russia: "You're asking us to leave virtually all of our country without defense, while your army sits on our borders?"
China: No, no, our army will take your positions and defend your territory as if it were our own."
Russia: "You would do that for us, without charge?"
China: No, no. Right at the beginning, our army shouts 'Charge!'.
The_Man11 t1_j2bxfoc wrote
They want to turn Russia into a tech manufacturer? Why not just light your money on fire instead?
jelloslug t1_j2c07cp wrote
China just wants their oil and minerals for a fraction of their value. Nothing more.
EtadanikM t1_j2c6ujx wrote
Reddit will never put their money where their mouth is
That’s why they continue to post on a media platform that is 5% owned by Tencent
VariableVeritas t1_j2c7kh6 wrote
Bend over Vlad.
Oh to be a fly on that wall.
1seeker4it t1_j2cf1e9 wrote
Moscow will be over rum by then!
CumtissueSevant t1_j2cg932 wrote
Yet, China is always looking toward the future - 20 or 30 years down the line, way after Putin. That is the wild card here, what does a post Putin look like for Russia and is it a good bet for China (answer is probably yea imo).
redditaskerandpoller t1_j2cgye9 wrote
The Assholes Summit!
Distinct_Lock6281 t1_j2cl705 wrote
Time Ukraine gather together multiple large drones for his arrival!
xTheVyrusx t1_j2cntyq wrote
Seems plausible since they have beef with Taiwan and why the US is determined to defend.
hibernating-hobo t1_j2co6q2 wrote
Silly poots, Xi is coming in spring to speak with the russian president…so clearly not you…
Watch those windows and weirdly ricocheting bullets now!!!
KomradeCarma t1_j2cpghp wrote
Russia and its sphere of influence already act as western buffer states so maintaining good relations is a no-brainer. Why else maintain good relations with North Korea?
Dear-Fox-5194 t1_j2cssyb wrote
China needs all their weapons for the Taiwan invasion.
personplaygames t1_j2d6fdf wrote
I hope they kill each other
[deleted] t1_j2dsuo8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2dttp5 wrote
HeywoodJaBlessMe t1_j2ew5jk wrote
LOL. China doesn’t have anything close to the tech to do what ASML was doing 5 years ago, let alone what they are doing currently.
China can’t control ASML and China cannot become ASML.
Even if China did find a way to create their own fabs and replace ASML domestically that would not make them the sole source of advanced semiconductors. ASML would still exist and would still be more advanced than the (currently fictional) Chinese alternative.
And of course, even if you can somehow design the lithography machines you also need to design the advanced chips themselves. China has neither skill set or technology currently.
joncash t1_j2fjmqd wrote
I feel like I shouldn't even respond with how little you know. Before we proceed, if you can't answer these questions, it's quite pointless.
Which company is China's version of ASML
Their new lithography machines, what's their resolution, with multiple patterning how far can they go.
What did Huawei just release a patent for?
Which company achieved greater than 200 layer 3D NAND first?
YourMomIsTooHeavy t1_j28jxn8 wrote
Xi is too smart to touch that with a stick. He might invade Taiwan but not this one.