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fit_steve t1_j23xfo4 wrote

The virus doesn't play this way. With an insanely contagious variant like omicron (R number of 18) when you relax the rules you get an explosion in cases, not a slow re-opening. China knows this science.


appsnaple t1_j268s60 wrote

China knows the science and yet they don't have hospitals ready, are out of many medicines, and did a complete reopening rather than progressive opening knowing omicron is very contagious?

Sounds to me like you made up some BS to defend China.

edit: Oh, saw your other comments. You're the type unable to ever criticize the government of China.


fit_steve t1_j26sj5x wrote

Not true, I was a huge critic of zero covid and lockdowns when they were a thing. Now that China made the right decision I'm in favor because I want to travel.

Also there is no such thing as a "progressive opening" when it comes to omicron. Name one country that did so. All of them went through what China is going through now to some extent, just look at the US last year this time. It's because of the population in China and the lack of immunity at present which is why the surge is much bigger than other countries when they had their omicron outbreaks
