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Talentless-Horton-T t1_j26877v wrote

CSTO anyone?


spetcnaz t1_j27ttdh wrote

Russia and Azerbaijan are working in tandem here to get Zangezur from Armenia. Which will basically neuter Armenia completely. They straight up denied any real help, and Lukashenko called Aliyev his homie.


HurryPast386 t1_j2a064o wrote

> Zangezur

Honestly, I'm surprised the EU isn't actively courting Armenia and trying to intervene. Zangezur is crucial for Europe.


spetcnaz t1_j2ap093 wrote

They are.

However Armenia's current government with founded and unfounded fears, is slow in telling Russia to fuck off, so EU and the US can do their thing more effectively.


totemlight t1_j2bcmwx wrote

Armenia needs strong assurances, they’ve been burned many times before


spetcnaz t1_j2bf67h wrote

They got assurances.

They haven't really tried in the past.

Serzhik tried slightly, buy one whisper from Kremlin and he would shit his pants.


autotldr t1_j26a0yu wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

> As the near-total closure of the only road in and out of Nagorno-Karabakh enters its third week, the ongoing standoff has sparked fears that the precarious humanitarian situation is threatening to undermine the fragile Moscow-brokered peace agreement that ended the war over the breakaway region two years ago.

> Thousands of Karabakh Armenians turned out as part of a series of rallies on December 27 against the ongoing blockade, with dozens setting up a picket line outside the gates of the Russian peacekeeping mission's headquarters at an unused airport near Stepanakert, the de facto capital of Karabakh.

> The demonstrations on the road began on December 12, ostensibly over allegations the Karabakh Armenians were polluting the environment by illegally mining gold in the region, inside Azerbaijan's internationally-recognized borders but held by its ethnic Armenian majority since a war that followed the fall of the Soviet Union.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Russian^#1 road^#2 peacekeeping^#3 Armenia^#4 Armenian^#5


-SPOF t1_j26y5kb wrote

It seems to be that russia is too weak today even Armenia imposes their narratives.


Zoravor t1_j27rkow wrote

What do you mean by narrative? Are there not 120,000 people asking to be released from a blockade to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe?


theonefrombaku t1_j27tdpc wrote

Not 120 000 though. That's the inflated number to make them sound plausible. In reality there are 25 to 30K people, half of which are the military personnel


ArmmaH t1_j27ut28 wrote

One of latest protests showed 70-80k people, which doesnt include eldery and kids. You do the math.


armeniapedia t1_j27vnw8 wrote

The kids are the soldiers u/theonefromBAKU is talking about :)

And everyone knows that Armenians have 3 heads, so the math checks out too!


ArmmaH t1_j27wb8j wrote

Ah, well I guess the Baku State University math is too advanced for me.


theonefrombaku t1_j27zckq wrote

It showed 10-15K people including the children. Check out the post of the wife of Armenian PM. She has posted how children are being abused for propaganda.


ArmmaH t1_j27zjtd wrote

Its always amazing to me whenever I see a person that has the ability and education to comprehend multiple languages and still chooses to wallow in wilful ignorance by gobbling state propoganda.


theonefrombaku t1_j281eot wrote

I am referring to the Facebook post of Armenian First Lady and you accuse me of state propaganda?? How brainwashed are you, that you consider everything that is opposed to your beliefs as a propaganda?


Asleep-Design-6874 t1_j2balan wrote

That’s just one of the many, many, many lies your dictator spoon feeds you since birth, open your eyes


AmberWavesofFlame t1_j2dke8i wrote

  1. Why does the number being 120k or 20k matter
  2. Why would the number enough for them to lie about it, either

Either thousands of people, including innocent civilians, are cut off from supplies of food and medicine due to a government-backed "protest" blockade, or they aren't. That's the narrative, and you aren't disputing it, you're just picking around the edges to imply the whole thing should be discounted. Why.


Gorperly t1_j27ni1u wrote

Nah, Russias still strong enough to squash Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is no Ukraine, their army is comparatively tiny and modestly equipped.

But Russia is doing nothing not because they're afraid. They are trying to compel Armenia to join their shitty alliance, and are happy to wipe their ass with their own peace deal in the process. Armenia is stuck between a rock and a hard place. No one else will bail them out. They either cede territory to the Azeris or become Russia's puppet Belarus style.


Mirathecat22 t1_j280br5 wrote

Azerbaijan is heavily supported by Turkey though. Russia doesn’t want that fight, especially while they’re losing in Ukraine.


kaisadilla_ t1_j2893lk wrote

But not by the West. Azerbaijan is fighting for their right to exterminate Armenians, and that's a fight the West won't pick. If anything, and under normal conditions, we'd be secretly helping Russia if somehow Russia couldn't manage to get it done by itself (which, before the Ukrainian war, never happened).


Mirathecat22 t1_j28aar5 wrote

They don’t need the west though they just need Turkey. With Russias military already wrapped up, that’s all they really need, Russia really can’t afford to to fight Turkey.

If anything were to happen, the west would let it go until Russia were beaten and then send a peace keeping force to occupy Armenia to make sure Turkey and Azerbaijan don’t mess it up anymore than it would already be. Thus giving Armenia a sense of security, and also in the end the Nagorno-Karabakh area probably gets given to Azerbaijan in exchange for more security guarantees.


aScottishBoat t1_j28t6r5 wrote

> losing in Ukraine

It's nice to read this. Fuck fascism.


Creepy_Helicopter223 t1_j27quv8 wrote

I do agree Russia is trying to force them to join, but outside of the nuclear shield and mass infantry they can’t really do much else.

Even if Azerbaijan isn’t Ukraine that doesn’t ignore logistics. Azerbaijan had roughly 126,000 military personnel, 300k reserves and 3M available conscripts, they have been prepping and training for war, and have mountainous geography.

For Russia to win they would need to either fight their way through Georgia to get to Armenia, convoy them through the Black Sea avoiding Ukrainian drones and using up their limited naval infrastructures, or would have to attack and fight their way through the mountainous terrain of Azerbaijan itself, with their supply lines going through their own internal caucus region which is full of hotspots.

And they have to do this at scale. The military personal to get their and hold off a full Azerbaijan assault would number in the 10s to 100s of thousands as Armenia has a population of 1/3 Azerbaijans and thus doesn’t have a similiar size military. Men who would need fed, clothed, supplied, trained, transported, ect… and all the people supporting them need it to.

If Armenia got fully annexed by Russia, Russia could probably either through enough meat at Azerbaijan to get it doneX or threaten with WMDs. But outside of that Russia is really weak right now.

They can hardly operating right next to their border…


arev301 t1_j27wnz3 wrote

Quite a good analysis except you forgot Russia borders Azerbaijan itself so could just attack them directly, and also already has military bases in Armenia and a way to bring in soldiers through air. Their biggest problem wouldn’t be those aspects, it would be Turkey intervening because it has a military alliance with Azerbaijan. And because Turkey and Azerbaijan share a genocidal hate for Armenians.


istandabove t1_j281s90 wrote

By your theory shouldn’t Russia be able to do well in Ukraine? It borders it. Lol any troop movement by air would get demolished if they started a war with Azerbaijan.

And that’s without Turkey getting involved. I highly doubt they’d stand by if Russia started attacking Azeri’s and defending Armenia. It would be game over.

They can certainly attack. As we’ve seen them in Ukraine. But if they can’t take and hold flat land on their border without heavy loses. They can’t start a Second war in a mountainous region.


arev301 t1_j291uj1 wrote

Dude, half of your first analysis was about how Russia would have to get to Armenia to invade Azerbaijan. I’m simply pointing out that’s incorrect. As for your comments about Turkey, that’s what I already added as their main problem.


lmsoa971 t1_j28jmpm wrote

Ukraine has been training its soldiers for a war against Russia for years. NATO trained too, and well equipped by the US.

Ukraine prepared for an attack from the Russian front and it’s these same barricades and fortifications that were built by experts over the years that are standing their ground in the Donbass and Kharkov regions.

Azerbaijan hasn’t prepared for any of that… Azerbaijan doesn’t even have an adequate anti-Air system since they were gonna fight Armenia who has close to nothing in air capabilities.

Azerbaijan also does not have an adequate air industry, but it has a shit ton of drones, and we see how well the Bayraktars are performing after the first month against Russian systems in Ukraine…and we know the reason why they got popularized was because of their success in the 2nd NK war, against no actual air defense systems.. and now we wonder why there are barely any bayraktar videos.

geopolitically speaking Azerbaijan has for the past 2 years closed all land borders for its citizens except for trade and such, and all Military personnel and weaponry from Turkey pass from Georgia and Georgia only. Since neither Iran or Armenia allow it.

Also for a mountainous expedition, Azerbaijan and Russia will be on even playing fields at the start since they both have elevated and mountainous regions on their border. But unlike Ukraine, the density of population is extremely small in rural areas. And the amount of big cities is also small.

And main transit routes are from plane fields and non-mountainous regions. So Russia might simply use the sea roads to advance forward, like how Azerbaijan did against Armenia (using Irans border to advance) and unlike what Russia is doing now (pushing into direct Ukrainian territory)

We’re also not mentioning that Azerbaijan, unlike Ukraine, also doesn’t have an internal military-industrial complex, that produces armored vehicles (like Poland, Bulgaria, and the entirety of Europe sending weapons to Ukraine). And no neighbors willing to sell their own, except Turkey who will need to spend millions from his already dwindling economy to do so.


istandabove t1_j29rl5x wrote

Ah i see you’re Armenian, sorry you picked the wrong side.


Creepy_Helicopter223 t1_j2azqxx wrote

I literally stated they would have to fight their way through the mountainous of Azerbaijan while their supply routes would pass through the unstable caucus regions. So yes I have considered that, and it’s also an awful option.

Good look transporting Russians through Dagestan with supplies to then fight with Azerbaijan dug into the mountains.

And their Armenia bases are small and not fully staffed, they couldn’t handle a defense alone and don’t have the ability to feed or support a large force.

Your right about Turkey tho, that is also a big thing preventing Russia from ever acting


SmokeyUnicycle t1_j29kah1 wrote

Russia absolutely cannot squash Azerbaijan.

Their armed forces are disproportionately large and modern because they've been pumping tons of oil money into them to fight Armenia for many years now.

While in a 1v1 Russia could doubtless win right now Russia is throwing everything they can into Ukraine, and Azerbaijan is way more than they can add to their plate right now.


tertius_decimus t1_j29f1kg wrote

Azerbaijan will be fine, backed heavily by Turkish army and Turks won't fuck around.


Strange_Camp_9714 t1_j271xlh wrote

is this disinformation? cant find Armenians turn fire toward Russia


AmberWavesofFlame t1_j2djj6m wrote

It seems to be absolutely unsupported in the article, and even as a metaphor it's a huge reach.


Dreamin-girl t1_j2dm91k wrote

Well, because it's not trendy enough for the prominent western articles to cover anything related Armenia or humanitarian crisis that involves Azerbaijan. Only local news and regional and specialised news cover it. Not surprised you didn't find.


[deleted] t1_j27nx0c wrote



Fantastic-Success-33 t1_j27px1b wrote

Ahh yes the Azeris who are notorious for beheadings, rape and torture are a great and peaceful people. Not to mention Azerbaijan is the major dealer of Russian gas now and has signed multiple trade agreements with the Russians.


[deleted] t1_j27q90u wrote



Zoravor t1_j27s1zy wrote

Was that before or after the pogroms in Sumgait or are we just going to ignore the fact that being mad an ethnic group of people for not letting you massacre them is not cool?


Fantastic-Success-33 t1_j27rnpi wrote

Ahh yes the war that started because Azeris decided to start butchering Armenians for nth time. Blame your selves for continuously butchering and slaughtering civilians in pogroms . Then when those same people decide to not live under your oppressive rule you turn around and blame them. Bunch of animals, all you ever do is torture rape and murder then expect people to react with kindness. Talking about kicking people out of their homes, you slaughtered them multiple times in their own homes.


[deleted] t1_j27s78q wrote



Fantastic-Success-33 t1_j27ssbe wrote

Wasn’t Azerbaijan as a country literally created by the soviets?? Hypocritical moron. You have massive oil fields and most of you live in third world conditions while the Aliyevs go buy multimillion dollar mansions in Europe, the moment people started to notice this he pointed you sheep at the Armenians so you’d shift your focus from how shit your country is. Bunch of losers who’s entire national identity is based on hating Armenians, destroying their culture and fabricating your own false history.


spqr232 t1_j27swpk wrote

.do you like basketball?


Fantastic-Success-33 t1_j27t09c wrote



spqr232 t1_j27t962 wrote

I'm about to ball these nuts in yo ass!


tapac333 t1_j288h9u wrote

Wow.. here for the comments, and this is about the lamest attempt at a joke I've read all year. 🏆


Infinite-Outcome-591 t1_j29tcs6 wrote

All 21 RU republics should turn on the Kremlin now. They are at their weakest point in history!


[deleted] t1_j26ax1s wrote



Fantastic-Success-33 t1_j27txpf wrote

Azerbaijan is the largest exporter of Russian gas to Europe, that’s why Russia won’t do anything,


Pale_Pepper_137 t1_j26dc86 wrote

I don't want to be r/woossh'ed so i am gonna asked with caution...

You are making a joke right?


Silver_Millenial t1_j27bksr wrote

I think you meant Caushion? Cussians are the fluffy part of a couch.


Oshulik t1_j294vkk wrote

Because Russia is working with Azerbaijan to suffocate Armenians


Mirathecat22 t1_j280zr9 wrote

They don’t want a fight with Azerbaijan and likely Turkey.


green_flash t1_j26g8lg wrote

Not a particularly great idea. Russia and Iran are Armenia's only allies.


Yelmel t1_j26kvuf wrote

Time to change alliances?


Pubesauce t1_j26pxvb wrote

Change to being allied with who? Turks and Azeris hate them. The only other option is Georgia, which would be a smart move but Georgia likely wouldn't oblige if they felt it would upset Turkey at all.

Outside of the region, nobody else has shown interest in stepping in on Armenia's behalf since it might upset one of its neighbors that are considered to have greater geopolitical importance. Armenia is stuck in an absolutely terrible situation and has very few options available.


Yelmel t1_j26wcfv wrote

> nobody else has shown interest in stepping in

That's not true. The French have made more than one overture.

What I meant in changing alliances was dropping the CSTO flop and reaching out to the UN, for example.


Pubesauce t1_j26xcc2 wrote

The UN would definitely not intervene militarily on behalf of Armenia if Turkey or Azerbaijan attacks. And France would be unwilling to risk war with any of the nations around Armenia by putting boots on the ground there. The only country willing to do so has been Russia. And even then, quite reluctantly. Armenia is almost entirely at the mercy of Russia and Iran to deter Turkey and Azerbaijan from attacking at will.


Zoravor t1_j27s9kw wrote

When your only options are one shitty dictator or the other. Wish Iran can just democratize already like Georgia and Armenia so there can be some like minded stability not enforced by dictators.