Tartan_Samurai t1_j282yqp wrote
Feels like there's a competition going on in the Middle East to see who can win the 'shittiest regime of the year' award
dissentrix t1_j28hjh4 wrote
Unfortunately, it's absolutely not restricted to the Middle East, despite how much they've outdone themselves recently in the "horrible governance" competition.
Beyond the obvious name drops of China, Russia, or North Korea, here's a few one could name:
-A bloody civil war is still going on in Myanmar as we speak, with the military junta in place razing villages and burning children who resist them;
-Tunisia is ruled by the iron fist of an authoritarian psychopath who has essentially appointed himself as Supreme Leader in the past couple of years and destroyed the political institutions of the country;
-Africa in general has a bunch of, well, rather nasty regimes to put it charitably, but you gotta mention Eritrea and Afwerki, under whose rule nearly 10% of the population, in 2018, was living in slavery, the second highest rate on Earth after North Korea (and I doubt the numbers have improved all that much since then);
-Haiti is essentially lacking a significant part of its own government, and has not managed to replace its Prime Minister at all - the country is currently caught in violent anarchy, with gangs engaging in what's close to a war on the territory, and the President himself having stated exterior intervention would be welcome at this point (not to mention a new deadly cholera outbreak).
And the list goes on, there's enough horrible regimes in the world to fill, like, at least a couple pages of a Word document.
DavidlikesPeace t1_j28xash wrote
It's a big World and it's quite easy to despair. However, it is worthwhile noting geopolitical trends.
there are also plenty of decent regions (usually quiet and not on the news). Latin America and much of Africa are having comparably peaceful eras. More democracies exist than at any other time in world history; and
the MENA region includes Tunisia and Yemen (and probably also Sudan and Mali). OP was right to note this authoritarian regional problem. Aside from China, the MENA is the most non-democratic region in the world; and
For better or worse though, the largest tyranny in Europe also enabled that problem. As Russia declines as it loses the war in Ukraine, many MENA tyrants will lose their biggest ally.
Zeusnexus t1_j2aew8z wrote
I wouldn't put Mali in there. It's more of a sub Saharan nation. Unsure about Sudan.
JinDeTwizol t1_j28mu31 wrote
I totally agree and my country, Europe and more largely Westerns countries who have the experiences of history with monarchism and dictatorial regime, begin to reverse the democratic liberty thanks to PoS like Marine LePen, Viktor Orban, Donald Trump who prefer to side with the actual dictators because they can't be the one in their homeland.
I hope to see the termination of dictatorial countries in my lifetime but with extremism lovers in the most powerful one, I'm afraid to see the return of them...
Oh and don't forget the rich PoS Elon Musk & Co who want to be dictator of the economy.
dissentrix t1_j29k6bn wrote
> I hope to see the termination of dictatorial countries in my lifetime but with extremism lovers in the most powerful one, I'm afraid to see the return of them...
There's always a risk, but if you want to be optimistic, keep in mind that never has humankind been so interconnected and aware of what's going on in the world, compared to any other point in history. People criticize the Internet and social networks, but the fact remains that, thanks to them, anyone in Canada, or the US, or France, or even Russia, can see the injustices happening in places like Iran; and although disinformation circulates more freely, the flipside of that is that knowledge(and truth) is also easier to research, share, and learn. We already saw these networks playing a huge role in the Arab Spring - and while that was only questionably "successful", ultimately the more we progress, and the more people are exposed to the outside world, and different cultures, the more things will improve.
This is the reason that things like gay rights, or religious freedom, have become more widely accepted worldwide; younger generations are exposed to these concepts, learn why they're valuable and what intellectual discussions they can have around them, including from their own geographical cultural perspectives compared to others, and it thus becomes easier to transmit to future generations those values and discussions.
And, on the other hand, while the reactionaries do still exist, and sometimes use increasingly violent means to conserve power (or regress society), they are increasingly viewed as an aberration, by an increasing number of people. It becomes a whole lot harde to take over, introduce fascism, and destroy people's rights, if your basic premise is: "these things that you newer generations have learned are essential freedoms, and great ways to increase your standard of living, well we're taking that away and going back to a state that you know is worse".
So yes, things are improving, very slowly, despite the two, four, or eight steps back that some would like to take (or are currently taking).
JinDeTwizol t1_j29ww5g wrote
That very wise of you and i share your point of view, things like the war in Ukraine make me fear the worst (my education teach me that war would never been seen again in Europe because of the -not perfect- unity we build) BUT this is a way to build a better futur in some way.
Thanks you for your words fellow human !
biggKIDD0 t1_j2a5bvi wrote
yeah if only the fundamental knobheads and their cpuwashed whataboutism republic army backed off it would be alot faster
atomicxblue t1_j29wkd7 wrote
It has felt like it was the last party for the crazy fringe right across the planet. Multiple countries have elected leaders with dictatorial bents.
TrumpDesWillens t1_j28sl1t wrote
I don't know why the whole of Africa is taken as a whole. You didn't say all of SEA is shitty cause of Myanmar, why does Africa in general have nasty regimes? Africa is huge, there are stable places like Namibia or Botswana. No, it is not Africa in general that has nasty regimes just like how no one would say Europe in general has nasty regimes cause russia is bad.
DavidlikesPeace t1_j28yide wrote
I have no idea either why people conflate. At the least, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa should never be conflated
North Africa is part of the Middle East culturally, politically, and religiously. The Arab Spring was largely North African in focus, before the Syrian civil war preoccupied attention. Democracy faces a major hurdle even in the stablest nations there. Authoritarian traditions stretch back +2,000 years.
Sub Saharan Africa is far less influenced by ME Islamist traditions and far more aligned to a similar postcolonial timeline as South Asia and caudillo era Latin America. Despite some truly vast cities, most folks remain rural. This is also the region that rightly or wrongly, is seen as both a wild National Geographic idyll, or conversely one threatened by overpopulation. Crucial point. Democracy is the general prevailing ideology here, even if more honored in the breach.
And even this summarization grossly oversimplifies. Shameless plug, it's fascinating to read about ECOAS and the African Union
dissentrix t1_j29fcnc wrote
I never said "the whole of Africa" was shitty - why are you putting words in my mouth?
All I said was that Africa does have a bunch of shitty regimes, relative to most other places on Earth. This is true - I talked about Afwerki and Kais Saied, but I could've mentioned Paul Biya, or Museveni, or Teodoro Mbasogo, or any number of violent dictators or corrupt governments that have managed to remain in power. In comparison to, say, Europe, it is indisputable that things like freedom of the press, democratic participation and free elections, or the Human Development Index, are lower. While it is true that there are a number of stable regimes with societies that are becoming better to live in, the continent in general, on average, compared to other continents, remains less developed and in the grasp of more dictatorial regimes.
This wasn't a statement intended to generalize the people living in Africa (as, quite obviously, the people from South Africa have a markedly different set of cultures than the people from Kenya, for instance), and it certainly isn't "because they're Africans" or whatever; the simple reason this is the case is that, much like the Middle-East, the continent has been r*ped by centuries of reckless colonization by imperialist powers that care not for cultural boundaries or human rights and have divided the land like fuckin' contestants at a competition for artistic cake-cutting.
FitPast1362 t1_j29noz8 wrote
That was a hard commentary to read.
olican101 t1_j2c7qn4 wrote
Italy elected an open fascist. This issue affects the west too!
Nubeel t1_j28s0rt wrote
If the Haitian president needs outside intervention he should just put out a press release saying they just discovered a cubic buttload of oil in Haiti. The US military will be there before lunchtime.
Knocksveal t1_j2aw0n9 wrote
The cases you named are on par with those of C.R.I.NK countries. But those 4 are strong militarily with nuclear weapons, which makes them extra notorious.
topdawgg22 t1_j29da9w wrote
The closer they are to being Aryan, the more English speakers care.
HiHoJufro t1_j28hmw5 wrote
Iran is always a contender, but this year is really no contest.
Stoly23 t1_j28vzh6 wrote
I mean, if we’re counting Afghanistan with the middle east(I’m never really sure if they’re in that, South Asia, or Central Asia) they’re a strong opponent.
[deleted] t1_j28836t wrote
[deleted] t1_j2944jm wrote
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