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GoBeyondAte t1_j25c2kg wrote

I've noticed all you guys only want to get the women out and forget about the boys and men who are also suffering


mitchconner_ t1_j25e8oz wrote

Quit it with that shit dude. They aren’t suffering nearly as much as the women, who are being persecuted, and having their lives uprooted, and basic human rights revoked, just simply because they were born women. Men aren’t being told they will no longer have access to education. Men aren’t forced to cover their bodies head to toe. Men aren’t forced into a life of servitude just because of their sex.

Sure, there are men and boys who I’m sure are struggling. But they aren’t facing persecution simply because of their sex.

Get out of here with that dumbass shit.


Robodarklite t1_j25icqp wrote

While I agree with most of what you say, young boys do have a rough time over there as well, being male doesn't give them immediate protection, they get sold off to slavery and used for sexual purposes, check out bacha bazi for more information. Again, not disagreeing with what you said, just that if it's anything like other third world countries being male alone doesn't protect you, connections to powerful people are what keep you safe.