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Feynnehrun t1_j1r4hl4 wrote

It also indicates they were warning shots. Regardless, using kinetic ammunition against a small, agile aerial target is not easy. 100 shots is about 2 seconds worth of fire....if that. If they really needed to take these down, they would saturate the airspace with lead, or fire any form of ordinance with tracking.


Kind_Duck7605 t1_j1rg91l wrote

Bbbrrrrrrrrrrp. Thank you for expressing that 100 shots is about 2 seconds of blast.


kittenbag t1_j1up9vk wrote

It’s not like people regularly hunt birds or anything


Feynnehrun t1_j1vdk99 wrote

These 100 shots were fired from a fighter jet, nobody hunts birds with a fighter jet.