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ShittyStockPicker t1_j1r9kxn wrote

I’m guessing this is part of a larger Chinese strategy to stress the American led geopolitical security system to the max. A war ir three on every continent and it is uncertain if America and its allied can hold it all together


TheFreestPawn t1_j1reu3t wrote

Too true. They've been screwing with our economy too, but that's on us for wanting China to make everything for us. When they convert most of their factories to wartime things, they'll out produce us by a staggering amount. Seems like with the military tech Russia is using, they're likely just trying to strain our supply too.

We've had years to become friends and prove to them they don't need such defended borders, but we did the opposite.


1Sluggo t1_j1r9v5c wrote

That, unfortunately, makes sense.


Unhappy-Educator t1_j1ra45r wrote

China and Russia will step things up in Iran, Africa as well as North Korea to spread things out as well


ChadorLondo t1_j1scouf wrote

America has a 858 billion military budget set for 2023. I wouldn't be too worried about their absolute military supremacy. Isn't the first time either that America fought wars on multiple fronts.