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Dreizahn t1_j2blttp wrote

Dead on arrival... He had huge support from EU and US and still couldn't do anything significant against the so called socialist dictatoship.


Jonieves t1_j2bna6d wrote

A Los otros los compraron y por eso lo sacaron.


Dreizahn t1_j2brk9z wrote

Mi español es muy malo :(


Jonieves t1_j2c1151 wrote

It's all a farce, he may have been a puppet or whatever. But the opposition was always corrupt, still is.

Whatever you may believe, know this. We do live in a dictatorship.


Dreizahn t1_j2d7s5k wrote

I have no doubt that the opposition is corrupt, and I believe it's part of a greater deal probably pressured by the US to increase oil supply. You are probably well more informed than me because I'm living in Europe and am only deeply interested in politics. However, I lack insidne knowledge people have living in Venezuela or specifically interested in the country. I can only hope for you that one day your nightmare ends and criticize dumb anti-imps in Europe for swallowing the propaganda just because they're anti US.


reyxe t1_j2dawdl wrote

You know the other guy means the exact opposite, right?

He's not a USA puppet, he says the entire Venezuelan "opposition" is a farce, they are just corrupt bastards who fake being against the government so they get money and Maduro can show he's "not a dictator".


Dreizahn t1_j2dhbic wrote

There is a misunderstanding: I know that he and some opposition figures are not US puppets and I know that some of the so called opposition is similar to CDU or FDP in G.D.R. before the wall had been torn down (so called Blockparteien). They were part of the ruling SED but tried to sell a conservative or liberal appearence.

But I am also sure that most of them are dependent on US resources and that some of them surrendered not only due to corruption but also due to the currently hopeless situation and the withdrawal of US and EU support. I don't know what exactly happened and how they lost the momentum, but it was clear for months that the dictatorship had won this round.


reyxe t1_j2dazgm wrote

He had insane support from Venezuelans too. Even during his first 6 months.

After that and the obvious lack of urgency and planning made people lose hope again.


No0nesSlickAsGaston t1_j2eqdew wrote

Words to live by, from his 3 step plan: End of the usurped presidency.
A Transition government.
Free elections.

None of this was achievable or people got around to make it happen, also, no one followed any script after a failed uprising with sham candidate and self proclaimed liberator Leopoldo Lopez and you might ask why...

Because this was a stunt by all of them to get in the inner circle of influence and money for their own gain, never of the people who needed it or political prisoners like Juan Requesens and all the generation who they cockblocked to get there unabridged of any shame or planning.

I use to dream of a free Venezuela, now is a running gag of "Cuba Libre" with Venezuelan Rum calling it "hahaha" just like Cubans called that drink once they understood the fate of their nation.


reyxe t1_j2dbm03 wrote

Gonna post a short version of my comment on the other news article about the topic:

Our last ray of hope, he brought hope back to majority of the people, but it ended up the same, basically nothing.

When he was appointed people thought we finally had the needed leadership to beat Maduro, over time, it became obvious it was the same leadership and Guaido was just the face of it.

Sanctions brought a resurgence to our economy so at least we're doing better than before.
