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michal_hanu_la t1_j68tfft wrote

> NATO just as well declare war on Russia, as that is where the arming of Ukraine with these types of weaponry is headed.

Please do elaborate.


[deleted] t1_j68u6aq wrote



michal_hanu_la t1_j68ud57 wrote

The same way he responded to the previous advanced weapon systems being supplied. By saying that THIS TIME it is too much.

Then he will report destroying them before they get delivered...


droidtime t1_j68uqf8 wrote

His military is already, quite literally, decimated. Russia is collapsing from an infestation of horribly corrupt leadership. So really, who gives a fuck what putin might do. NATO will literally elimate the rest of the russian military if they escalate. Amd there won't be a damn thing outin or russia can do about it, besides maybe launching nukes if they are even still functional after years of no maintenance.


yung_pindakaas t1_j68vub8 wrote

The same as every time? He utters threats of nukes. Does nothing. The war continues.


RegularStain t1_j68w946 wrote

Russians will do more empty threats, report more allegedly destroyed western equipment and mobilize more men willing to die in the name of putin's yacht


LatterTarget7 t1_j68ywyk wrote

The same way he has since the war began? He won’t attack a nato country or anything like that