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msemen_DZ t1_j6hquz8 wrote

Congo and South Sudan. It really annoying when media writes Africa as if it's some country.


PhilpotBlevins t1_j6htbrk wrote

To be fair, a lot of countries get generalized when speaking of "Western countries" or "The West".


FM-101 t1_j6i0vrx wrote

It's like when people think Europe is a country or that EU is "kinda like a country" lol


King-of-New-York OP t1_j6hngjr wrote

Most of the developing world is no where near to having a functioning set of laws like the ADA. At the least a visit from the Pope gives hope for a brighter future.


bot420 t1_j6j67oi wrote

Sad when the pope is your only hope.


IlexIbis t1_j6k461m wrote

It's better to have hope in your sole than the other way around.


SilverAudience2 t1_j6jevrr wrote

In the USA you can't use one because private contras get mad and send you broken shit.


Current-Direction-97 t1_j6ig1a1 wrote

Let’s see some of that Pope/Jesus magic! Cure the lame, heal the cancerous, raise the dead! (Spolier: It won’t happen, because they are frauds)


xmsxms t1_j6jw49r wrote

It might happen for some people that are also frauds