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t1_j5zz969 wrote

32 Leopards now confirmed for Ukraine: 14 from Germany, 14 from Poland and 4 from Canada.

8 likely from Norway ~4 possible from Portugal (there was no confirmation) ~8 possible from Finland ~8 possible from Spain

list so far, still early days though


t1_j600238 wrote

Also 31 odd Abrams tanks too from the US


t1_j60awg0 wrote

Those will be very important, but will take longer to transfer since they need to be stripped of advanced armour and systems (or export versions sourced from Egypt or Saudi Arabia).


t1_j60u022 wrote

I heard that the Abrams that are being sent are new manufactured ones. So it will take time but only because they need to be built.

Correct me please if that is false


t1_j615s24 wrote

I think it's undecided at the moment, since it may indeed be easier to send new, export-ready tanks than to convert domestic ones or find willing foreign suppliers, but production lines in the US are already full.


t1_j60ekde wrote

The depleted-uranium cannot be removed from existing inventory, the pledged M1 Abrams will be newly-built hulls and M1A2 spec, unlikely these will show up until 2024


t1_j60iglz wrote

So we're basically building brand new Abrams for them with last gen hardware? That's kinda cool


t1_j60kp3a wrote

Only the armor composition is less than US Army-spec, all the optics, fire control, comms and battlefield management are top-quality


t1_j60m4g9 wrote

Surely there are surplus export versions without that armor.


t1_j60od8x wrote

Surplus? no. Poland and Taiwan have placed large orders of Abrams and technically they’re ahead of Ukraine in the queue. Poland will likely allow Ukraine’s order to be processed ahead of their own because they are getting K2 tanks from South Korea


t1_j618jlx wrote

Does the USA have permission to even sell the Chobon armour? Its a British armour design.


t1_j66ijw6 wrote

Chobham is the first generation of composite armour, dating back to the 60s, M1 Abrams variants and Leopard 2 use proprietary composite blends that are not covered by UK patents


t1_j61u39r wrote

The U.S. cannot ship the tanks immediately because the U.S. military does not “have these tanks available in excess in our U.S. stocks,” deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Thursday.  

The Pentagon intends to procure the tanks through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), meaning it will buy the Abrams directly from its maker General Dynamics to then be shipped to Ukraine, a process that “is going to take months,” Singh said.  

She explained that the schedule will give U.S. officials time to train Ukrainian troops on the advanced weapon. 


t1_j604ah6 wrote

Didn't the netherlands also intend to pitch in with the highest single nation number for leopards? I could have sworn it was mentioned netherlands wanted to give 18


t1_j60capq wrote

Yes, they're thinking to buy the tanks they're leasing from Germany and send them to Ukraine, with the logic that they will best fulfill their purpose of deterring Russia by serving in the war. I think they haven't yet decided to do this.


t1_j62lkmv wrote

So after all that fucking noise from Poland they're barely even giving more than Norway??


t1_j62xzzw wrote

Gotta remember that it's more nuanced than just a numbers game, Poland and Norway have different geographical placement, strategic need and financial situation. The Norwegian tanks are also 40 year old L2A4NO once bought used from Netherlands. They have obviously been upgraded several times, but Norway has been discussing throwing out all 40-50 L2A4 tanks and acquire 80 new L2A7 or South Koreas K2 Black Panther tanks.

Several high ranking officials in Norway suggest donating the majority of the tanks, like 30 ish.


t1_j631e02 wrote

Poland is also acquiring new tanks, so the situation isn't as different as you make it seem.