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Norseviking4 t1_j607ifi wrote

Proud to be Norwegian today.

Glory to Ukraine


Lee1138 t1_j618tlw wrote

Glad we didn't dither further once the ball started rolling.


dont_trip_ t1_j62ybn8 wrote

We have been a fucking embarrassment early on in the conflict with slow responses. Glad it's finally picking up pace. Donate the majoroty of our tanks I'd suggest, we were about to change out the entire stock anyways. We only need to keep a few for the Telemark Battalion QRF anyways.


Norseviking4 t1_j632sa2 wrote

I fully agree, our only potential enemy is Russia and there is zero chance of them opening a front in northern Norway.

So we only really need to keep enough to be able to do our duties with international operations and keep some for training to avoid losing competence.

Everything else, send it to Ukraine.

Hopefully Rødt will fall under the sperregrense again. So embarrasing that they have had this much support with their anti nato, anti west, pro russia stance... Even with all the fire they have been under they still refuse to sign on to weapon aid to Ukraine.