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jphamlore t1_j6ouyv6 wrote

Every French leader seems to try this, and previously, every one eventually was forced to back down?


Iconic-The-Alchemist t1_j6p1skm wrote

If there's one thing the US could learn from France, its how to protest and stand up to things you don't agree with.


macross1984 t1_j6p2b99 wrote

It's really no-win situation. If protest succeed and pension is untouched then eventually pension will run out of money and no one after that will receive pension.

Or if the reform is enacted then pension will remain solvent but people will end up receiving less than the original amount promised.

Anyone have idea to break this cycle?


Separate_Shoe_6916 t1_j6pb8b7 wrote

Wow…and here the US announces increases to the retirement age and people don’t do anything. In France, the announcement to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64 is met with major protests. If only general Americans could grow some balls.


Smk569 t1_j6pcub6 wrote

They always protest lol. But does it lead to anything?
