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onlyfacts2000 t1_j6kuo15 wrote

Actually, as someone who was in those ambulances for over a year, we helped injured Palestinians (Mostly because of violence in their own society, crime is huge there) while their ambulances were many times slower to arrive.

If Israel was serious about "Attacking ambulances and medics", there would be no Palestinian ambulances and medics.

But don't let reality get in the way of your delusional narrative.

Also, rocks? Really? You do realize the IDF faces gunfights, explosive charges, traps and much more on a regular basis, right? Why would you lie about that?


grapehelium t1_j6lsvax wrote

and their rocks also include cinder blocks dropped from buildings.

(sarcasm ahead....)

buy hey it's still just a rock.

and a bullet has the same metal content of a few coins. So all is good? no difference.


neverfarts t1_j6m2z38 wrote

Yup, I was guarding the road going into Jerusalem, was attacked with everything from pineapple (not so funny when thrown from a vehicle traveling at 80kmh), a refrigerator, a moped on fire, a donkey, and of course, the ubiquitous bricks.


Selethorme t1_j6lgims wrote

> But don’t let reality get in the way of your delusional narrative.

Oh the irony.
