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thatonefortune t1_j6od4uw wrote


sb_747 t1_j6oetae wrote

I don’t know what you’d call storing nukes in a foreign country to attach to foreign planes and be dropped by foreign pilots then.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6opzp7 wrote

TBF it isn't something NATO likes to talk about too much, and most redditers didn't grow up during the cold war, so it's understandable that they would be surprised to learn this.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6ooygk wrote

From the article I cited:

> This agreement — American bombs guarded by American soldiers on a German base but flown by crews and planes of Germany's military forces, the Bundeswehr — dates back to the Cold War and NATO's nuclear deterrence strategy

I've posted a few additional links in this comment:

TLDR: a number of NATO members get bombs from the US in the event of a nuclear war, and fly the bombing mission. Apparently Poland might also soon become part of the nuclear sharing agreement.