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flamehead2k1 t1_j6mkb9x wrote

It not need to be state actors to be a conflict.

Lots of weapons on both sides. Tribes at risk of being wiped out.

Sounds like a conflict to me.

I agree Brazil should focus/take the lead on the Amazon just like Europe should focus/ take the lead in Ukraine.

But this isn't about focus or leadership, no one is asking Lula for that in Ukraine. They are simply asking for assistance like Brazil is asking from Europe


Ban-Evader-1233 t1_j6mkxf4 wrote

Well, Germany is sending the money. So it's like they kinda agree with my pov


flamehead2k1 t1_j6ml23i wrote

Germany is also asking Brazil for help so its like they kinda agree with my pov


Ban-Evader-1233 t1_j6mlaw8 wrote

Lula said he was not sending ammo before the chancellor visit... That was already clear.


flamehead2k1 t1_j6mlgyw wrote

That doesn't change the fact that Germany is requesting.