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MoonManMooner t1_j6mtl1j wrote

Let’s wait and see what happens to Brazil when they want to pull another Cuban missile crisis with the US.


frostygrin t1_j6mzyzx wrote

Are you arguing that the US is justified in reacting to another country's missiles getting closer to its borders, but Russia isn't?


MoonManMooner t1_j6n1rpm wrote

No, just that it’s part of the game and that Brazil doesn’t have the capability to defend against a cornered Pentagon.

It’s just a matter of fuck around and find out.

I have no issues with south/Latin American countries in the slightest. They just need to be realistic and realize that the United States just isn’t going to put up with Russia or China trying to establish a military stronghold down there.

It’s a million times more productive to just be happy trade partners.

That being said, putting Nuclear capable ICBMs 90 miles off the coast of a country is far different than the purported 1300 mile difference between Turkey and Russia (Moscow) or the 750 miles to the Soviet Ukrainian border from Turkey by air.


frostygrin t1_j6n21dg wrote

> I have no issues with south/Latin American countries in the slightest. They just need to be realistic and realize that the United States just isn’t going to put up with Russia or China trying to establish a military stronghold down there.

Would you say the same to Ukraine then?