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Mindraker t1_j6mgiqo wrote

> A cloth mask with gaps in it isn’t going to do anything anyway.

Why is this being downvoted? If you can see your mouth and/or nose, your floppy cloth mask is not a "magic virus shield".


SteveRudzinski t1_j6mtugt wrote

Because most masks you can't see your mouth or nose even with minimal gaps, and masks aren't generally protecting YOU they're just preventing your spittle from your mouth from getting in people's eyes and shit. So it's bringing up an argument nobody is really making in order to dismiss mask use at all while focusing on a hyper specific example.

I wear an N95 that fits perfectly with no gaps and I still don't expect it to do anything to protect me, it's to lower the odds of getting someone ELSE sick from me.


Massochistic t1_j6mgliv wrote

Because the average person isn’t capable of critical thinking