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fabscav t1_j4xkkyb wrote

That's because your energy actually comes from unclean sources such as coal, but your supplier gets to sell it as clean energy to you, as long as they buy enough clean energy credits from other countries.


indica_please t1_j4y2kfj wrote

Even if their energy was 100% clean and renewable, that doesn't mean it's free.


Xaeryne t1_j4xs1x2 wrote

And of course the generating country still gets to claim that green energy source for themselves too, because they are the ones actually using it.


Tiny_Ad_638 t1_j4zf7sr wrote

They say they only purchase clean energy, but the way they worded it it was so ambiguous. I know they are not 100% truthful. Imagine that a big company not being entirely honest.


RedMoustache t1_j4ytvgc wrote

Energy companies are shady. My energy company tried to sell me on a "green energy" charge. They charge you an extra fee to "support green energy." Sounds nice until you ask a couple questions.

The extra money isn't being used to build or support green energy. It's just for me to show I support green energy their profits.