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[deleted] t1_j6mrxpe wrote



Deaftoons t1_j6mve5c wrote

I'm really hoping this is just what they are telling us, and that they have been training them already.


FreedomIsFried t1_j6nflgg wrote

I'm starting to have doubts about it..


mondeir t1_j6odp7f wrote

I really hope this is disinformation to make Russians do a forced attack in unfavorable circumstamces before west tech "arrives".


kerelberel t1_j6oteab wrote

Circumstances are more favorable whén the west tech arrives


plipyplop t1_j6nuroi wrote

Since Ukrainian military personnel have already been traveling the world for arty, infantry, and commo training, I would not be surprised if they're already zipping around in cockpits.


EntertainmentNo2044 t1_j6nyk3l wrote

Fighter jets are nearly useless in Ukraine for both sides. Anti-air defenses are so strong that only veteran SEAD pilots in 5th gen fighter jets would be useful, and no one is going to give Ukraine F-22s. Aircraft basically just lob missiles from maximum range at this point and are glorified artillery pieces.


TROPtastic t1_j6oy840 wrote

>Fighter jets are nearly useless in Ukraine for both sides. Anti-air defenses are so strong that only veteran SEAD pilots in 5th gen fighter jets would be useful

Objectively incorrect


Ohhisseencule t1_j6omrve wrote

Funny, so what you're saying is Ukrainians are clueless fools for wanting jets, and the rest of the Western defence community that all agree jets would be useful to Ukraine and only debate what type they could send are also clueless fools.

They should really consult with you, so much time and money wasted.


FloPhib t1_j6p7gx6 wrote

Plenty of 4th gen jets can send long range missile like the meteors nowadays. Those are not widely available in Europe though


BrainBlowX t1_j6osbw2 wrote

>but to be in a situation where one country is at the 'consider' stage of training pilots

Because they don't tell us the stuff decided behind closed doors.

The western tanks were being worked out LONG before they ever confirmed deliveries