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cesiuum t1_j6c6fh2 wrote

I wonder if Russia will start taking the China approach, i.e. physically claim the islands with military presence and argue later?


dogeimistic t1_j6c8ij3 wrote

They're doing this already in Ukraine.


cesiuum t1_j6c8z2f wrote

Ah yes, thank you for the reminder, how silly of me.

Guess I better re-phrase my statement:

I wonder if Russia will start taking the China approach for these "disputed" islands as well?


Interest_Swimming t1_j6c9ote wrote

They are under russian jurisdiction already. If Japan were to do anything russia will threaten with nukes etc, so maybe they will wait until this iteration of russia falls apart.


dogeimistic t1_j6c996q wrote

I guess that would cause a war on 2 fronts which they can't really afford at the moment.