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FiendishHawk t1_j6cymgf wrote

Right-wingers blame the left for the crimes of a different set of right-wingers.


Huntin-for-Memes t1_j6fdflh wrote

I think the issue is the right wingers want to fight the other ones and the left wingers won’t let them.


FiendishHawk t1_j6fdo49 wrote

As far as I can tell, the left barely exists in Israel, so they can’t stop anyone doing anything. They are blaming a phantom.


ILuvMemes4Breakfast t1_j6fvwq2 wrote

as an israeli, the left is alive and well lmao. just like a week or so, there was a protest against the new hyper right wing government and that allegedly had north of 80k people in it. the thing is, you have big channels that more right wing people consider to be pretty left wing and that seems to be the deal here. a relatively left leaning channel reporting on the attack and grieving people being upset.


BoringEntropist t1_j6l1vcp wrote

If the left are alive and well, it doesn't reflect at the voting booth. The current opposition for example is dominated by a centrist party. The classical leftist parties barely get enough votes to enter parliament, if at all.


Huntin-for-Memes t1_j6fgzuk wrote

They actually do have a “left” but it’s pretty strictly economic.

I think in this instance they are blaming the western left as a whole. Israel NEEDS western support to survive. They see the western left as the main obstacle holding them back. Now I know this is kinda ridiculous because it’s basically them getting mad that we would well ‘hold them accountable.’ But when you see people dying you get scared so it does make a little more sense.


[deleted] t1_j6d5ylj wrote



FiendishHawk t1_j6d64pi wrote

Not all Muslims are right wing, the mayor of London is a leftist Muslim.


Anier321 t1_j6d6okn wrote

Whataboutism doesn't help anyone, where did he say all Muslims are right wing? He said the religion itself is right winged, as someone who grew up with the religion I agree with him.


FiendishHawk t1_j6d7chx wrote

Religious people tend towards conservatism.


Anier321 t1_j6d7r11 wrote

Which tends to lean right.....


Elanapoeia t1_j6eh9go wrote

Right wing politics is more about enforcing social hierarchies and capitalism, which teeechnically conservatism doesn't have to be about. Of course modern western conservatism is largely regressive which directly means it's trying to re-enforce older harmful social hierarchies. Hence why stuff like liberalism still ends up on a right-wing spectrum, as it's a big defender of capitalism and social hierarchy in practice, even if liberals often think of themselfes as being socially progressive in theory.

Abrahamic religions of course are largely inherently right wing in execution. It's hard to find any western religion that doesn't believe in and preaches the value of social hierarchies and worships some form of capitalism.

Right wing politics and conservatism are more homeostatic rather than intrinsically the same, so to say.

Just additional info on exact definitions, not disagreeing with you.


freemason85 t1_j6d8w6r wrote

Charlie listen here western Muslims appreciate the freedom that the west offers. Read the Qur'an and tell me it's not like the Old testament. You know stoning people to death for adultery and all that jazz. Muslims that grow up in the west are a total 180 from Muslims in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Iran. Hell even Turkey is turning far right when it was once secular.


manfredthefirst t1_j6e1je6 wrote

Hey Iranian here.

Iran's afinity to Islam is very very mixed. It really depends on the area and the family. There has been a major rise of liberalism here alongside calls for a secular democracy. Also a lot of younger people are " Shia Muslims" because their parents chose to put that in their ID when they were kids and changing religion from Islam to anything else is punishable by death.

This especially applies to big cities with a bunch fo internet and illegal VPN providers that can allow unrestricted internet access.