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censuur12 t1_j4vgej5 wrote

But it's not. It might influence change later down the line, but by itself it's not going to affect much. Though if you know something I don't feel free to point out some specific change this is going to have by itself, I'd love to know.


twistedbronll t1_j4vi3te wrote

Given your poor imagination on how this matters makes me believe it does not matter what i tell you either way.

Especially gender issues, as of late, have been debated and discriminated on. Discussions and rulings possible because of the ambiguous wording of anti discrimination laws. Now there is precedent to (in a legal sense) fight existing laws.

Less room foor interpretation > more breathing room for gender changed people.

Laws that have previously been found to not infringe on the constitution might now be looked at again. People discriminated by companies may feel invited to speak out.

And lastly just telling these people that their plight matters.


censuur12 t1_j4vibvz wrote

> Given your poor imagination on how this matters makes me believe it does not matter what i tell you either way.

Yea wow, "I imagine having a normal conversation is pointless so I won't even try"? Why even post at all if you actually believe that? Spare me your pathetic excuses and stop wasting my time then.