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Profrog888 t1_j6eceo4 wrote

he did not say it in the article, but right after the leopard announcement he said that both him and biden agree that jets shouldn't be sent and that it will not change


Reselects420 t1_j6ecgti wrote

Can you link that?


Profrog888 t1_j6efo6k wrote . here he stated that troops, no fly zones, and jets or other stuff that threatens russias internationally recognised territories is a red line that will not change


Reselects420 t1_j6ehx4h wrote

> “I made it clear very early on that it’s not about combat aircraft and I’m doing that here too,”

I don’t get it. What’s not about combat aircraft? This article also claims that Germany has ruled out sending jets, but does not provide enough of the quote / context as evidence.

The rest of the article is about ground troops and no fly zones.


Mayor__Defacto t1_j6gsltm wrote

Germany doesn’t even have any functional jets really so it’s a bit of a moot point


Tokyogerman t1_j6gryji wrote

I saw his speech in the Bundestag, that we are not talking about Jets right now (to the question of the AFD guy) and said, there will no no-fly-zones or NATO troops in Ukraine and that Biden agrees there.

Another typical misinterpretation, either willfully or accidentally, as has been the case since the start of the war.