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tdring22 t1_j6e71qz wrote

This doesn't account for the Russian troops in Belarus though


PumpkinManGuy t1_j6edfsn wrote

Imagine the Russia we know trying to fight a war on two fronts.


tdring22 t1_j6edpio wrote

If 90% of the army deserts then all that's left is civilians which Russia has more experience controlling


PumpkinManGuy t1_j6edy41 wrote

I really don't think that the 90% who desert would be keen on seeing their families stomped down like that.


tdring22 t1_j6eelky wrote

I hope so. I honestly think at this point Belarus tieing up Ukrainian troops on the border is the best he can hope for but time will tell


Staerke t1_j6fcjss wrote

These conscripts don't want to die for Putin, who says they won't want to die for their families and their homes


black641 t1_j6haoet wrote

No military could hope to control 90% of a country's population. Not the US, not China, no one. If 90% of the population wants you out of their home, you're gonna leave one way or the other. Trying to do otherwise would be like standing on the beach and yelling at a tsunami to back up.


realnrh t1_j6g0w6s wrote

I strongly suspect that the Russian troops in Belarus are the ones who could pay the bribes to not get sent to Ukraine. If faced with actual fighting in Belarus, they'll again take the life-saving way out.