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t1_j5zq3zv wrote

Hmm wonder “if” the FAA was one of these federal targets. Edit: maybe that one employee who accidentally replaced one file that conveniently disrupted the entire nation’s air traffic for hours was a target? Maybe?


t1_j627t9g wrote

Hanlon's Razor


t1_j62iv7f wrote

I don’t think this case is adequately explained by stupidity …. Could you elaborate as to why that is more rational than a cyber attack? Especially given the geopolitical climate and the multiple warnings about cyber attacks in the near future?


t1_j63v7uq wrote

Because causing annoyances in US civilian air travel doesn't affect the military all that much


t1_j63w75e wrote

Oh. Ok. I’ll see myself out. I was trying to be logical but, yeah. Ok.


t1_j645gtj wrote

Yeah, made a wild guess and called it logic


t1_j6480ie wrote

I mean if even snopes won’t rule it out then I wouldn’t call it “wild” brah


t1_j64b9pq wrote

"There's no evidence for it but..." seems to be the constant statements in that piece, so wild guess pretty well fits


t1_j64lrbu wrote

You know, to zoom out and give some perspective on my position, I really really hope you’re right and neither of our opinions matter :(


t1_j62z35e wrote

... is a logical fallacy with possibly dire consequences.


t1_j5yzhby wrote

What a remarkably one-sided article. No mention of the American/British/European cyberwarfare efforts. It's like listening to a Liverpool - Chelsea Cup Final where only Chelsea's moves are being reported.


t1_j60eaj3 wrote

Woah now. Why is your comment so one sided? Why are you not mentioning all the articles and propaganda the Russian media produces?


t1_j5ztswk wrote

Yeah, and why don’t people immediately talk about any and all the atrocities the Allies did during every conversation about World War II? /s


t1_j60aag8 wrote

You know why a Russia hacking group is need, and not other hacking groups? Because Russia is actively fighting against world peace and stability. Whereas the US in undeniably invested in peace and trade.

It's REALLY not hard to see past this "whataboutism"


t1_j61w04t wrote

Seriously? I mean I'm definitely on the side of the "good" guys but to imagine it is only the bad guys doing the hacking is to look at the world through rose colored glasses. I hope "our" guys are trying to hack into the Kremlin and cause as much disruption as possible. And I also imagine they are doing the same in Tehran.


t1_j62hopd wrote

Hacking is hardly a problem. End goal is a problem. Worst US has ever done is wrecking a uranium enrichment facility. It's mostly Intel gathering ops otherwise. I'm sure russians are prepared to do anything. I mean... Russians lie and deceive and attack and kill and rape and pillage and then we have surprised Pikachu faces when people trust US more.


t1_j65p1cv wrote

> Worst US has ever done is wrecking a uranium enrichment facility

Oh ye of short memories - how long ago was it that the CIA were discovered to be hacking into the phones of German cabinet ministers including Chancellor Merkel?

They are all at it. MI6 will have been hacking the EU during Brexit negotiations.


t1_j676jzk wrote

That's what I'm saying. Intel gathering is just that. From russians I expect everything. Power killed to hospitals, wrecking electric grid and what not. They have showed they are capable to be reckless.


t1_j60u9gq wrote

> Whereas the US in undeniably invested in peace

Haha fuck that’s a good one mate.
