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Reselects420 t1_j6mcwws wrote

Do you have figures from developed countries that we could use to compare here?


Youngerthandumb t1_j6mdx3p wrote

Global inequality is on the rise. The figures are similar everywhere. It's cliche but, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, at least since the 70s.


Reselects420 t1_j6me113 wrote

Ah but this is since the covid pandemic.


Youngerthandumb t1_j6me4ux wrote

You can look at the Oxfam reports going back in the years. I'm not an expert, but the figures are pretty damning.

Here's 2016


Spiritual-Fan5642 t1_j6npzof wrote

So what you really want to say is tgat inequality is a GLOBAL and historical problem.


Youngerthandumb t1_j6nqasu wrote

I did say that. However, this thread is about India. I'll quote myself, "Global inequality is on the rise. The figures are similar everywhere."


Spiritual-Fan5642 t1_j6o5wd3 wrote

....and historically speaking not much has really changed besides population and concentration of wealth.

But nah, go right ahead and be pedantic about it with incomplete context.


Youngerthandumb t1_j6o9hk8 wrote

pedantic because I'm using numbers to make an argument? That's a new one.