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the24hrpartyzone OP t1_iwuut29 wrote

Only Merante and Corazon are hard "no"s. Maybe Williams as well. But, as you said, that won't be enough.

Best we can do now is raise a ruckus to show we don't approve of this and then pound this issue over the heads of Tasha Diaz, Breen, and Spano when they run again next year.


manseinc t1_iwv9el1 wrote

Seems like Breen wasn't around. Heard he may be on vacation.

Tasha Diaz going along with this would be disappointing.


the24hrpartyzone OP t1_iwvfi6l wrote

Breen is in Aruba. Diaz is 100% voting yes. She is only on the council because Spano and Zehy put her there.