00101001101 t1_jaen636 wrote
Thanks for this OP!
00101001101 t1_jabdnq8 wrote
Reply to Untitled, Me, Oil on linen, 2023 by JulietteVaissiere
Tell us more OP this image is appears very allegorical. Nice work!
00101001101 t1_jab1ffl wrote
Hope there was no leeches about, that would have been my worst nightmare!
00101001101 t1_ja6wmzj wrote
Whoever convinced her to wear this dress should not be giving fashion advise. I hope Audrey fires her! If she chose it for herself them maybe she should get a stylist
00101001101 t1_j99985i wrote
Reply to Blooming Black Lotus by marinated_pork
Looks like a hellebore flower!
00101001101 t1_j8h8ttr wrote
Reply to Hand Study, Me, Ballpoint Pen, 2023 by Jacksonaa13
You’ve got a great talent OP! So much control over your tool!
00101001101 t1_j5ntu5t wrote
Reply to Multiverse question by Marrok_Chanteloup
These are questions that I’ve been asking AI recently.
For what it’s worth science theory versus science fact is where it’s at presently so choose a rabbit hole to jump down and see what you can take away and apply to your question. Good luck
00101001101 t1_j5ha7av wrote
Reply to Cali '75, Me, Acrylic on Canvas, 2023 by loskleinos
Reminds me of Ugo Rondinone’s work
00101001101 t1_je4c5o3 wrote
Reply to 'ETHOS//PATHOS', me, acrylic, soft pastels and paper on canvas, 2023 by Roa_eklipios
Not gunna lie…I’d hang that on my wall!