
06_tundra_4x4 t1_j3pfedt wrote

You and I are not making any money selling art for the same reason . Nobody wants to buy your art. (I’m not an artist though) Consider another line of work. The world (or the state of Maine) isn’t against you. We all have our issues (mental and physical). Keep on keeping on, and make some different choices in your life ahead of you.


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7g08e wrote

Fuck him too. And yes, shut down the economy and make the entire US populace reliant on federal funding. ‘Follow these strict federal policies so you can get your federal money’ (because we took away all other ways for you to survive). Sounds like communism (and not the Red scare of the 20th century)


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7fm7b wrote

Fuck them all, every last one of them. Too many of you on the left AND the right are caught up saying “the other side says and does ABC, they are the enemy, I am righteous!!!” Perhaps you have been misled and have been taught to hate your fellow American for having similar values, but opposing means for economic and political policy


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7esi5 wrote

Mmm yes. Why shouldn’t you blame a business owner for the government forcing them to close their business for months on end!? It IS that business owners fault to involuntarily close their doors and stop ALL revenue because for your “health and safety”.

The scariest thing anyone can say is “Hello I’m from the government and I’m here to protect you”.

  • Do you remember the Japanese internment camps in the 1940s, the war on drugs, the Vietnam war, Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7e3hz wrote

Who again was dying in mass droves? Was it the young, healthy, physically active individuals with no underlying health conditions? Or was it the obese people with sedentary lifestyles and poor life choices who chose not to take care of themselves for entire lifetimes? The statistics become very interesting if you understand these keys facts


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is6x4s4 wrote

I assume by “fiscal responsibility” you mean using the billions of federal COVID funds to supplement shutting down the state economy for nearly 2 years, slaughtering small business revenue while multi-billion dollar corporations made all time high profits quarter after quarter. Why do you think she claims “We have giving Mainers ‘relief checks’ without raising taxes.”? Because the state received 10 billion in federal funding!! Her economic and COVID policy forced people to stay home and not work while they gave some Mainers 800 dollars to ‘help out with inflation’. I’m not saying Paul Lepage is the answer here, but Janet Mills policies are far from fiscally responsible. Inflation is at its highest in decades, common household goods, oil, electricity and everything else you need to live are fucking exploding in price while wages lag behind. How does this resemble resemble fiscal responsibility in the slightest? Wake the fuck up
