
10xwannabe t1_jec9pfr wrote


Just a couple questions just to make sure I am understanding a few of these maps correct...

Are they saying that despite states with HIGH incarceration rates (Ex: LA, AR, MS) there are more whites being incarcerated in those states? If so that is interesting as the ratio is per 100,000 population of same race living there. So it takes into account disproportional number of sample sizes in the populations.

Also, any idea on the breakdown on the drug offenses that led the federal prison sentences? Are they distribution? Possession? Both? Are they marijuana? Are they more "hardcore" drugs, i.e. cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, ectacy, speed, etc...?

Thanks in advance.


10xwannabe t1_jatg7k4 wrote

I was thinking the same, but then got to thinking. This group is likely to have the highest ratio of debt to income so that would be bad. But then again they are also likely to be the group most likely to default and be in bankruptcy for one of MANY reason so maybe it doesn't even matter that they are carrying student debt? There are so many different ways to look at this data and extrapolate the meaning.

My guess, is this is likely: 1. The group who took on HUGE predatory private loans and 2. dropped out and didn't finish college so was a total waste even taking on that debt in the first place.