
t1_j2b6uwv wrote

We had a lot of required books and can’t remember them all. The ones I remember the most ( some I only know the title in Spanish)


El canto del mio cid

Los nibelungos

Poppl vuh

100 years solitude

Don quixote

The iliad

Unbearable lightness of being ( this one messed me up for a while)

La vorágine


Rosario tijeras

Catcher in the rye

Romeo and Julieth

Tom Sawyer

Un cadaver en la biblioteca

In college, I only took the mandatory English classes ( engineering major), but I had to read

Troilus and Cressida ( Shakespeare)

The odyssey

All silent in the west front

Overall, I realized what I like ( and what I don’t like) to read, and through all the discussions it helped me see how each book is a representation of their time and to not judge a book written 100 years ago by today’s standards.

Edit: formatting attempt Disclaimer: graduated high school 20 years ago, might have mistyped titles here


t1_ixivy0x wrote

Heidi is the first “big” book I ever read, 8/9 years old. Still one of my favorites. I love how honest to herself she remains despite the changes, and how she has valuable relationships both in the Alps and in Frankfurt.