1Litwiller t1_j5ezsme wrote
Reply to comment by DisconnectedDays in The dichotomy of FT by Johs92
Factories and service industry still hiring like crazy, guess the jokes on white collar folks this time. AI is gonna take their jobs, poor people still work cheaper than robots and keep their jobs.
1Litwiller t1_ixg2mgj wrote
Reply to Will Elon have to sell more of his Tesla stock in order to keep Twitter alive? by G1lg4m3sh
I wonder when Tesla and spacex investors will be tired of footing the bill for twitter and start unloading their own shares…
1Litwiller t1_j6llmu7 wrote
Reply to comment by JitsISM in 2nd time making a covered call: 1600 shares of Carvana at $8.43. 16 $9 calls sold at 0.71 a call by thisisthetaa
1st world problems,…