
1pencil t1_jeh037w wrote

Also dangerous because they might appear safe shelter, or something fun to climb down into to build a snow fort etc. But as you climb down and maybe safely get under the branches, your jostling could release the tons of built up snow stored in the branches above you, burying you.

One of the things I was taught as a kid, so I have to admit my sources are just passed down from older generations.


1pencil t1_j9eq1x9 wrote

I wake up at 2am (a few years now on this shift at work). This means I have to be in bed and asleep by 6pm if I want 8 hours. Never happens. I have a 4 year old at home. My wife does her best to make life easier on me, trying to take him out and stuff for a bit around my bed time.

Still havent really slept a full night in at least two years.

Then I switch to a day schedule for the weekend so I can spend time with my family, then back to nights for sunday night/monday morning.

It is brutal and I have no solution. I am a mindless half sleeping zombie who is always sick and extremely irritable and depressed.

I too want a solution.