
28PercentCharged t1_itvtw4t wrote

The first thing you notice is that you don't notice anything. No special feeling, no visual flare. It makes sense in context. Something unintended wouldn't have anything tailored for the accidental event. But there is something that awakens inside. The internal awareness of Strength. The power that the weapon granting me strength lies solely within. Undying Strength. Piercer Of 1000 Suns. Destroyer of Planets. A single integer held so much power. The differences between 1 and 2 themselves were quite significant. The difference of hundreds were godlike. I have true power, and I will enact my first will. To free the trapped from a life of no meaning. End their suffering.

I see the one who gifted me godhood. He has moved on, unaware. I will keep it that way. I turn around. Another person, enslaved like I once was. I swing the cursed weapon.

No damage!

Then I realize. A joke. It reads -2 to attack stat while equipped.

Yet it also reads:

Weapon deals no damage. Binds to user.

A redundancy purposely added, solely to fuck with me.


What the fuck? Who would do this?


28PercentCharged t1_iqonto9 wrote

Was it guilt? Fear? No, it was confusion, as his conceptions of his immortality were now gone. A reasonable reaction in the grand context of things, but not to the person standing before him. Not to the man who was tortured by the immortal king for what was originally a lifetime.


That's what both of them wanted to ask. Faced with what was once their worst enemy, but now as allies through circumstances within the other's control.

The king brought to power as he took on the blade of the broke knight, reconsidering his actions once more. To the king, it was normal to him. To be questioning his morals, as the kingdoms change theirs as well.

The knight first experienced power through immortality, though only by happenstance. The discarded goblet with the smallest everlasting drop of liquid, refurbished for use and unknowingly mixed with a celebratory glass of wine. Originally ironic in his incoming demise, but now a miracle to the hero who found himself alive hours later.

Being immortal gives time for reflection. Something the knight only began realizing recently. His desires for revenge faded as he forgot the king. Something the king knew centuries ago.

They were the same tailored cloak, made from different fabrics, and the difference from a century to multiple centuries made no difference to either. Though the encounter may have been surprising to both, they realize now that they have the same goal.