
2cats4ever t1_j9cdquv wrote

Yeah, Dylan's is great but they've had only one oyster happy hour in the years I've lived here, and it was because they over ordered take home oysters for Father's Day (last year)... At least that's what I recall Dylan saying.

Regardless, you get what you pay for there. Some of the best oysters you'll ever eat from all over North America.


2cats4ever t1_j72o3q1 wrote

On my street we get the sweeper coming through twice a week (a different side of the street each time) and recycling every two weeks.

My understanding is that the recycling situation is a staffing issue and that the street sweepers will just skip your block if there are too many cars, because what's the point...

As for BPD, it seems our tax dollars go to clocking ridiculously high overtime for simply existing in uniform.


2cats4ever t1_ivk7ib8 wrote

The measure was also personally funded by David Smith, Sinclair's majority owner.

At the same time, Fox has run numerous pro-Question K stories that feature no reporting on opposition to the measure, and neglect to mention their owner's involvement in getting it on the ballot.