
400asa t1_j9l5n20 wrote

I was asking just because I wanted to know more about your process, no judgmental intentions on my part. I'm using the phrase "cultural appropriation" very loosely, because I think it's usually ridiculous to accuse artists of that.

I was right on the money for the sacredness though! the love that's given to the subject carries through to the viewer very well. I mean, it's bread. It's not that hard to love bread. It's a powerful subject.

I'm glad to hear resin works well on toast. I was asking about that because I tried to encase perishables back in the nineties but I didn't have access to epoxy and stuff like that so whatever I tried didn't work too well...


400asa t1_j9ktnaj wrote

This goes beyond cultural appropriation.

I hope the artist knows that this is a shocking piece.

I'm almost serious here.

Because what is Kintsugi ? Kintsugi is the concept that you can make a broken thing more beautiful after repairing it. And usually you'll use gold to repair a more fragile material, so it's not like it's a process that makes sense in terms of craftsmanship. There's an almost religious aspect that pertains to old objects in some cultures.

Is the piece of toast a dragon undergoing a metamorphosis ? Have we angered a primordial spirit of the world by breaking the toast ? Is the toast representing that part of sacredness that the Japanese culture would attribute to the old pottery ?

That piece of toast is giving me a bit of a think.

edit: serious question, how hard/expensive would it be to make a realistic piece of toast out of resin and then weld the thing, without having any bread in there at all. Because I wonder how long the bread will stay that way, even encased in resin. Maybe it just keeps ? Like the mosquito in OG Jurassic Park ?


400asa t1_j0t4qww wrote

The words being "fuck the police".

I'm French so it feels somewhat okay to get at least arrested for that, cause it's illegal to insult a government employee. Insulting people at all can cause prejudice legally.Telling someone to kts on social media can get you up to 3yrs in jail, 5 if it's a kid.

But in the USA freedom of speech is a bit more "free" isn't it ? On the paper ?

So how do they work around that, civil court ?

(light googling)

Nvm, the cops arrested NWA with some bullshit maneuver, not because of the lyrics LMAO.