4uk4ata t1_izf3xns wrote
Reply to comment by caveyh96 in Nearly 1 million immigrants became U.S. citizens in past year, the 3rd highest tally on record by CobaltEmu
Immigrants have to jump through hoops and show qualifications to become US citizens. It is indeed a good way to welcome driven and productive people to a country built by welcoming driven and productive people.
4uk4ata t1_iwtzw8e wrote
Reply to comment by DudeMcFart in Police dog finds lost Michigan hunter, 80, who fell in river by AmethystOrator
Some are straight up bitches and proud of it.
4uk4ata t1_j1tsy8j wrote
Reply to comment by versace_tombstone in 10 South Korean tourists were stranded in a blizzard near Buffalo. Then they spent 2 nights in a stranger's home, cooking and watching football. by HalFWit
Who's playing Buffalo Dude, I wonder.