
t1_iylgm3x wrote

The moral rule of the universe is built from it's construction. Basically everything is one thing so whatever you do to others you do to yourself. There is simply the illusion of separation. Basically all religions hint at this truth in one way or another.

In Catholicism the same idea is essentially present. When Jesus is asked who he is he simply states “I am" and his Golden rule is to treat others as you want to be treated. Which is implied if you understand that everything is one with god.

Lucifer is associated with the deadly sin of pride. This is because his sin is thinking he is separate from god when the true nature of reality is that he is god. For this he falls into hell, which is described as eternal separation from god. All the other sins emerge from this as the prerequisite for all bad action is to not recognize the entity you're transgressing against is yourself.

The trinity is simply three aspect of god but each imply the existence of each other.

The Father is simply the unknowable force of creation, The holy spirit is the moral virtue of god(The Golden rule) and the son is supposed to be the knowable face of god(the manifestation). The tauist's have similar lingo when they speak about similar subject's.

This rule is the only implied virtue of the universe and it is not subject to change. This is a constructionist view of morality as it is derived from a belief on how the universe is actually constructed and not made up from some arbitrary authority. It is true everywhere at anytime and in any culture. Good and Bad are not relative terms, there is an objective standard and it's the universal will. Treat others as if they were you because they are literally you.

It is important to note that since everything is one thing this also implies that you are the environment around you as well. So the rule even implies respect to the environment and animals.

May seem far fetched but if you drop enough psychedelic drugs it makes sense as you will certainly feel and see it yourself. This is the reason you hear every hippy ever say "one love mannn. They may not be able to articulate the rational behind it but in that state the connection to all things is undeniable. This is how I came to the conclusion. Basically thought about a 6g mushroom trip for a year and half and realized what it was trying to show me about the nature of good and evil.
