
666ygolonhcet t1_j6nqsbi wrote

My SHARONNA by the Knack. 2 1/2 minutes of Chuck Berry licks on hyper speed. No Eddie Van Halen tricks, just blues rock soloing that takes the song to a higher plain.

Don’t scoff. Go to YouTube and listen. Don’t play the radio edit where they cut the solo in 1/2.

Our vinyl had a mark where the solo started from me moving the needle back there over and over.


666ygolonhcet t1_iy8v68c wrote

Not mine. 1983 and 16 year olds could smoke at school with a Smoking Pass (signed by a parent).

Our Chem teacher Chain Smoked Camels and would leave a class of hormone raging 11th graders to go to the Teachers lounge and smoke. Every day.

Did not learn 1 thing about chemistry, except how to light a camel filtered using a Bunson Burner the ‘safe way’.