
7evenPoint128 t1_je1l19i wrote

The city (certain council members) doesn't care about rent, parking, or traffic. They care about the money being made from developers and taxes. Even when the stadium was finished and opened, the parking garage was still under construction. You'd think an engineering basic like a parking garage would be finished BEFORE the stadium opened.


7evenPoint128 t1_j9yplra wrote

Thats not the same. There will always be junkies and ODs, but in this case, employees facilitated and that goes against the job. If that were the end of the case, they should be fired and business is fine, but the second problem is the other employees not revealing information about access to the troubled roof. That raises red flags about the entire staff.


7evenPoint128 t1_isv20u8 wrote

Its very legal. State and fed agencies can cross-report things under various codes. In this case, its more than justified as the firefighters came across drugs and weapons giving cause to a possible drug lab and various unknowns. With fire and safety an issue, a warrant can be issued on the spot to clear any possible explosives or chemical hazards. On top of that, all fires are crime scenes, which changes how privacy and warrants work.


7evenPoint128 t1_irpgeo8 wrote

Your just gonna have to wait or look for house shows. All the venues I can think of are usually 21+ bars. Hotel Vernon, Ralphs, Electric Haze, The Raven, The Palladium,


7evenPoint128 t1_iqxxey6 wrote

To summarize; Polar Park was built to mimic Fenway, including its flaws. (Because if it worked in 1912 it must work now, amiright?)

But its NOT exactly the same, see the best quote I've read in a while.

“We’re actually taller than they are at Fenway. We’re 12 feet 1 inches and Fenway’s 12 feet,” Malone said.