
8i66ie5ma115 t1_je7zd69 wrote

There’s a book called Biohazard by Ken Alibek who used to head the Russian bio weapons program.

He tells a story of them transporting a giant 55 gallon drum of weaponized tularemia that they knocked over.

> Nazil was waiting for me inside Zone Two. As we walked together down the corridors, he told me what had happened. The air pressure in the pipeline feeding one of the tularemia rooms had begun to drop precipitously. A technician had been working there an hour or so before, but she had gone home. She may have forgotten to reset the valves. Nazil was anxious to get back to work before his shift ended. It was 11:00 P.M. He brought me to the room where the drop in pressure had been reported and hesitated at the door. "Don't worry," I said. "Go back to your lab. I'm sure I can han- dle this." Mollified, he set off down the corridor. I opened the door and took a few steps inside. It was pitch black. I reached back, groping in the darkness for the light switch. When I finally hit the switch and looked down, I found I was standing in a puddle of liquid tu- laremia. It was milky brown--the highest possible concentration. The puddle at my feet was only a few centimeters deep, but there was enough tularemia on the floor to infect the entire population of the Soviet Union. I called for Nazil, frozen in place, and heard him rustling toward me down the hall. I was only two feet or so from the doorway, but I was trapped. If I tried to back out I would bring the disease with me into the cor- ridor-and, potentially, into the rest of the zone. Keeping my voice as calm as possible, I told Nazil to bring dis- infectant quickly--anything he could find. I reached my gloved hand behind me and grabbed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide he handed through the partly open door. I poured the solution over my boots. He handed me more bot- tles as I moved backward, tiny step by tiny step, pouring all the time. By the time I was out of the room, three military scientists working in other parts of the zone had rushed to the scene, alerted by the commotion. The change in air pressure must have caused the culture to escape through the filter system. I closed the door and told them to disinfect everything I had touched, as well as the room itself. I went back through the sanitary passageway, eased off my boots and protective suit, took a disinfecting shower, and submit- ted myself to a quick checkup by the nurse. She assured me that I was fine. Silently, I congratulated myself on my good fortune. I tried to imagine what might have happened if I had lost my footing on the slippery floor. Although tularemia isn't usually deadly, we were working with a far more virulent strain than any I would ever have been exposed to in nature. When we regrouped in Zone One, I advised Nazil and the others to take the antibiotics we had on hand for emergencies. I went to my office and called Savva Yermoshin, chief of the KGB detachment at Omutninsk. Savva would later work with me at Biopreparat headquarters in Moscow. I had obviously pulled him from a deep slumber. "Savva, I'm sorry to wake you," I said. "I just wanted to let you know a small amount of tularemia was released inside Building 107 tonight." I didn't expect him to do anything, but regulations required us to inform the KGB about the slightest break in routine. "Anybody hurt?" he said in a voice fogged with sleep. "No, it's all under control," I continued cheerfully. "We've got it cleaned up. There's nothing for you to do." I looked at my watch after hanging up. It was almost 2 A.M.. It was pointless to call Moscow at that hour. I decided to wait until morning and went home, tired and relieved. "What was the emergency?" Lena asked me sleepily as I padded around in the dark of our bedroom. "Nothing important," I told her. "Go back to sleep."

The full book is located here free for download.


8i66ie5ma115 t1_jdu25mk wrote

I’m just taking a shot in the dark here, but it could be black folks becoming more upwardly mobile, and after not having cable while younger they get it now as they are now better off financially than the generations before and we’re at a more disadvantageous place financially in their youth?

It could be simply more content that appeals to them on cable, than the streamers.

It could be something nefarious where black communities maybe tend to have less broadband options than white communities so black folks end up forced into cable internet and then “well, for only $30 more a month we can include Cable TV” and now they’re roped into that.

Cutting cable has gotten more expensive and difficult than it used to be and now there’s a hundred different streamers. So maybe they went back because of that.

(Again, a lot of this isn’t African American specific but is more of a socioeconomic issue and black folks still trail other groups in median income, and again, because literally all of American History has been spent screwing then over and making them literally stand in the back of the proverbial line.)

I’m just pulling ideas out my ass tho. It’s probably a little of each of these things. But again, I’m talking out my butt and just making educated hypothesises.